Zim web & mobile startups: Here’s the ZOL Jumpstart Challenge Process

Zim web & mobile startups: Here’s the ZOL Jumpstart Challenge Process

The BarCamp and ZOL Jumpstart Challenge website is up. It’s challenge.jumpstart.co.zw. Over the past few weeks, we have been working to secure sponsorship for both the BarCamp and Jumpstart Challenge. We have also been working to structure the events and processes to incorporate lessons from last year’s events.

On the Jumpstart Challenge, we are excited to say that we have secured at least as much sponsorship as we had last year, but we’re still talking to more partners and the prize package for the winners of this year’s challenge will be updated as the days draw near. If you would like to sponsor the events, please get in touch with us on sponsors [a] jumpstart.co.zw.

We have also been communicating with startups who have contacted us to find out about the dates, the requirements to enter, and how the whole process will go. We’ve created the infographic below to clarify the process. To make things simpler we’re working on the same format as last year; BarCamp will take place on the 6th of September generally from morning to midday. The Challenge will kick in at 1pm and flow till the end of the day. A shortlist of startups that make it through this stage will be invited to come back on the next day (7 September) to pitch to our judges.

The rules and requirements can be found on the Jumpstart Challenge website, where startups can register. Good luck!

ZOL Jumpstart Challenge


  1. Harlin

    So are you looking for Innovative new Projects or Good business Presentations – ?

    • tinm@n

      anything that wins. make it new and innovative and make it a good presentation

  2. Not coming

    Would have competed but well … since it is in Harare, just the thought of travelling and booking acommodation – blowing money i could otherwise use in my start-up – just put me off. And it’s during the week!

  3. Ben

    Congrats guys. Great to see this competition come online. We look forward to seeing the winners and are happy to support from VC4A as needed!

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