We kind of had forgotten all about it until all these blog posts and news updates ran with a chorus about the awesomeness of a new Myspace revealed in a teaser video MySpace posted yesterday. Don’t write them off as yet, is the verdict you get reading all this. And watching this video:
For those of us with short memories, all eclipsed by Facebook’s addictiveness, Myspace was Facebook before Facebook. The new welcome page on Myspace says they are building the network from scratch, which is really great to hear. Social networking has been the same for a while now. We need a new Facebook and history kinda suggests we won’t be getting it from the Facebook team. Or the Google+ team.
We’re hard at work building the new Myspace, entirely from scratch. But we’re staying true to our roots in one important way—empowering people to express themselves however they want. So whether you’re a musician, photographer, filmmaker, designer or just a dedicated fan, we’d love for you to be a part of our brand new community.
Nothing on the welcome page says when the new Myspace will be live, or if those with existing accounts on the network will have to “from scratch” along with the platform. We’re registering for invites regardless.
If they deliver on their promise, we’ll have a 4th formidable social media platform to waste our time on online.
We know data plans and bundles can be expensive in these parts, so here are a few screenshots form the video:
11 responses
Looks great! Hope it lives up to the hype.
not sure if it will catch on to older folk in zim , facebook has made an indelible mark on even the less tech savvy. i like the background music to this teaser tho.
welcome back my_____ ] your 3rd screenshot reminds me of pinterest.com the last shot is beautiful. I love the clean UI. This is what google did to yahoo, came in clean while yahoo was scattering detail.
thought so too, its Pinteresty.
not sure how far they will go given that the social media scene is well-dominated by Facebook & Twitter.
Maybe their plus is the music focus
for me it feels too focused on creatives and their fans. nothing for the regular guy who just wants to connect with friends and family. Or maybe they’re trying to connect us all through arts…
Love the sideways scrolling. but not too impressed with the rest.
They surely have a plan to topple Facebook and Twitter, they wouldnt go all the way redeveloping the platform. Lets hope their planned site works better socially than Fb and Twitter. The design of the site in my view is very arty but its simplicity will help in its dominance. Let’s watch Babylon fall lol…
last kick of a dying horse perhaps
nice music!!
My own opinion is that they should rename it, the myspace name carries with it too much bad press, experiments and an escapable association with the past for any rebranding to completely erase! That said, solely as a music service I think Myspace is excellent perhaps because its entirely based on a reconfigured core of Last.fm. That said, I have a good feeling about this one
CNET: Instead, [my space CEO] argued that MySpace will continue to be targeted at the world of music, much as LinkedIn is aimed at business. “We think there is a huge gap that we wanted to fulfill,” Vanderhook said. “There is no point to compete with Facebook and Twitter.”
These may just be the last attempts of a dying horse, we have to realize that people will be skeptical about the success of any other social network, even google+ was well advertised and still it didnt rise up to the challenge. it seems that Facebook has monopolised the social network’s industry, it is going to be like that until someone comes up with ground breaking ideas. One major competitive threat that another social network would face is that people already have hundreds of friends on Facebook, and noone looks forward to starting a new profile, requesting and accepting friends again, even on a social network where all your friends, what more if the majority of your friends are not there. I mean lets face it, even if you are an artist where do spent most of your time, MySpace or Facebook?