PowerTel introduces weekly & biweekly mobile broadband packages

PowerTel Dongle

In what is certainly a first in the market locally, PowerTel is introducing weekly and biweekly uncapped internet packages. The move according to PowerTel marketing manager Willard Nyagwande, has been necessitated by the need to flexibly accommodate subscribers who just want to use the service product for a week or two. Such customers could for example be on holiday or just can’t afford the regular $50 a month for uncapped broadband.

The weekly package is called “Weekly Browser” and provides unlimited internet usage at $15 for 7 days. The “Biweekly Browser” gives the user 14 days of browsing for $30.

“Please be advised that in a move meant to respond to market dynamics PowerTel is immediately introducing the following time based products” said Nyagwande in an email to us today. The market dynamics he refers to are probably the highly competitive consumer broadband market that every internet provider today is finds themselves in.

A government owned telecoms firm PowerTel is one of the few IAPs locally offering a 3G dongle based solution. Based on the CDMA technology, the service was launched in 2007. Rival dongle based 3G offerings from GSM Mobile Network Operators, Econet, Telecel and NetOne have however been stiff competition to the company especially in terms of network coverage. Africom’s similar CDMA service has also provided an alternative mobile broadband service to PowerTel’s.



  1. Black one

    Just call it the iNjiva Promotion lol

    1. macdchip

      exit package for some l say!

  2. Munyaradzi Tee

    I am a powertell user and I am disappointed by the connectivity. It’s up and down several times making working difficult !! Please do something!!

  3. macdchip

    its the speed and reliability ie congestion which matters. They can introduce various packages all they like but until they sort out there network, no customer will last.

    Its very misleading and not true to claim that their internet is not limited. l challenge them to prove that, by providing snail speeds, they are extremely limiting.

    Lets say l have a 7gig file to download(most hd files are big) and then on my bittorent client tells me its going to take 8wks to finish even though l have chosen a file with lots of seeders, what do you call that??

    For clarity, l prefer bittorent to download all my software eg Linux releases for testing because it automatically does file verification, so there is nothing illegal about it and it shouldnt be throttled based on misinformed sales-come-tech zealots.

    1. Gus Fring

      WTF…A large portion of the time, users complain that they are not getting great speeds with BitTorrent. Dzidzai kutenga ma-original software nema movies…

      1. macdchip

        Linux is original and free so is youtube and other tech sites

    2. Juicy

      Well may it differs with your location dude, I downloaded a 600MB file in two yesterday, that speed for any IAP/ISP in Zimbabwe is awesome.. If you are downloading large file try working on them from midnight to morning, they download at the speed of light..

  4. Gus Fring

    WTF…A large portion of the time, users complain that they are not
    getting great speeds with BitTorrent. Dzidzai kutenga ma-original
    software nema movies…

    1. tinm@n

      BitTorrent isnt all about movies. Just saying

    2. Time

      Im guessing that you’re the type of uninformed person that also thinks that hackers are all bad and are bent on destroying the world?

  5. Time

    I am usually one of the first people to slam powertel for its poor quality of service and uninformed customer care, but Iately there has been somewhat of an improvement in service and speed. So I hope all these new pricing strategies and what not are part of a bigger re-vamp of what Powertel internet has the potential to be. They have the funding and infastructure already there. Just need to get some people with experience on the ground…and in the offices.

  6. Tendai Marengereke

    Does the monthly sub charges remain the same?

    1. L.S.M. Kabweza


  7. Ashamed

    PowerTel is USELESS! They should fix their service to existing customers first.

  8. Juicy

    Fair enough,but I’ll just stick to my $50 a month, real value for money, Powertel is giving me a time of my life, better than what I used to get with the Econet dongle, streams videos like crazy on youtube, great download speeds… UNCAPPED!!

  9. I love the internet

    Since Monday, Powertel has been totally sick. My work is web-based and I have missed deadlines because of this. Why on earth do they want more clients when they are not offering current ones value?

  10. Tafara Govere

    I use econet dongle “eish ma1”,and im moving to powertel ,jst hope and believe it will work

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