The Holiday season comes with connectivity goodness! Good to the tune of 30% off the usual $50 in PowerTel’s case. The internet provider announced a few days ago that it’s slashing mobile broadband data tariffs to $40 until 31 January 2013. The price of the modems has also been reduced from $45 to $30 for the same period.
PowerTel provides CDMA powered ‘3G’ mobile broadband service. The firm, a ZESA holding subsidiary ins one of the few Internet Access providers in Zimbabwe that has dongle based mobile broadband solution. The others are Econet, NetOne, Telecel, Africom, ZarNet and Brodacom.
PowerTel’s mobile broadband solution has however been criticized in the market for being congested and this resulting in users experiencing slow speeds.
The company has also run out of the CDMA dongles on a number of occasions forcing them to tell customers to “come with your own modem.” We called them today however before posting this and they confirmed the dongles are in stock, which means you can access this holiday deal!
3 responses
Hey, tell me who offers the best deal in mobile broadband in Zim?
The answer is “it depends” on what you want. In terms of coverage Econet tops the list but it is expensive. In terms of speed you should choose Africom but it is also expensive and there is the issue of phone compatibility if you intend to use a phone make sure it supports CDMA. If you are looking for cheap internet call Powertel. However their connection is a bit slow and the coverage like Africom can be patchy in some areas and there is still the CDMA compatibility problem.
I’d rather pay 30% more if Powertel would actually give me usable internet in the daytime…and dont think at night it gets much better…its 8pm now and it still took me 4 tries to open this page :/