CultureShift Zimbabwe tech and cultural sector challenge – Ideation Day 2

CultureShift Zimbabwe tech and cultural sector challenge – Ideation Day 2

A team at the CultureShift Zimbabwe Ideation event discusses a book distribution solution for writers in Zimbabwe
A team at the CultureShift Zimbabwe Ideation event discusses a book distribution solution for writers in Zimbabwe

Day 2 of the CultureShift Zimbabwe ideation was held yesterday with a focus on creating teams of techies and cultural people who identify solutions that they want to work on, define and refine exactly what they want achieve and then pitch the solution to the panel of judges. Watching the ideas come together was quite an experience. You’d have s solution identified, then features suggested, then additional features suggested and lumped into the solution, then some parts stripped off to focus on a core, the more stuff added, then a new angle to the solution, and so on.

In total 6 solution ideas came out of the day. We can’t wait to see how the solutions develop through to the hackathon which will be held in the coming month. What makes this whole process so special is that it’s rare for both the cultural people and techies to get such an opportunity to team up with people that have actual needs, so we’re confident this will produce relevant solutions. But lets see. it’s also great the networking opportunities for possible collaboration on solutions in future.

Here are the 6 solutions that made it:

  1. Open Books – A book distribution solution to enable writers in Zimbabwe to make their work accessible to local market via mobile (especially future phones) and web.
  2. iCreate – “Creative networking made easy” – this solution will provide creative people in the country professional and business knowledge to make their work sustainable.
  3. 2 Degrees – And interactive application showcasing artists in the country, so they improve the artists’ visibility.
  4. Good to go – A solution marketing tourist destinations in the country along with charity opportunities for tourists.
  5. Big eyes – An application allow people and organisations in film to show case their work, people in film to interact, discover new stuff and be discovered.
  6. Zimcreative – A directory of artists in Zimbabwe to showcase themselves and their work.

Here are a few more pictures we took on day 2:


  1. chanyane

    Interesting list with resources that can showcase Zims’ artists which should include 3D animators,e-learning course-ware developers, nonfiction writers (read technical, management and scientific and other how-to guides/manuals). Very relevant to techies who work on niche services,

  2. Blogger

    Sounds like a great event – thanks for keeping us posted!

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