Cable outage in Egypt possibly work of saboteurs

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undersea fibreReports emerging from out of Egypt indicate that the repeated undersea fibre cable breaks happening off the coast of Egypt are actually a result of sabotage. An article on Reuters yesterday evening says Egypt’s coastguard caught three divers cutting through an undersea Internet cable yesterday. The divers says the report, were severing an undersea cable belonging to Egypt Telecom.

The report clarifies though that it’s not clear yet if this incident is related to the cable breaks that have caused SEACOM, EASSy and other cable operators a nightmare over the past several days. have whether the incident was related to disruptions off Egypt reported by cable operator SEACOM last week that it said hit several lines connecting Europe with Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

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  1. Dogstar

    Silly. The same resources you will use to further develop your country, you destroy. Sounds familiar though, just next door!

  2. macdchip

    Thus there human and democratic rights, they fought for it!!