Hacked back in 2011, the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange website is still down

Zimbabwe Stock Exchange website

It’s now March 2013, a whole year and 7 months after the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange website was taken down after a hacking incident. For a reason only the ZSE would know, www.zse.co.zw is still down.

We have no idea what systems these guys use, or who advises them on tech strategy, but it’s things like these that make you feel the take-this-loan-and-go-digital pressure they’re getting from some listed companies, no matter how strategically self-serving the pressure is, must be applied even more.

Zimbabwe Stock Exchange website


6 responses

  1. Vinni Avatar

    It is terrible and I think it plays into keeping the stock amongst the “boys”. There is no information to any ZSE information especially if you are outside the country or not in Harare! TZ can you get a comment from them and can Potraz make it a legal requirement for financial entities to be have an online presence with an uptime > 90%

    1. Concern Shoko Avatar

      can Potraz make it a legal requirement for financial entities to be have an online presence with an uptime > 90%

      You kidding right?

  2. Blogger Avatar

    I can ping the web server from my computer with the domain name:

    C:Usersstudent>ping zse.co.zw

    Pinging zse.co.zw [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=64ms TTL=59
    Reply from bytes=32 time=78ms TTL=59
    Reply from bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=59
    Reply from bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=59

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 64ms, Maximum = 81ms, Average = 76ms

    The real reason why the website is down could be that maybe the website is still under maintenance. Zvanyanyaizvi Webdev does that mean that they be no more time estimate when the website will be online again.

    1. ngth Avatar

      Webdev used to host the site and the DNS is still pointing to their shared hosting server, the original article said the developers were Adept Solutions, maybe they no longer exist and ZSE has not found someone willing to put the pieces back together or are starting a new site from scratch.

      ZSE should at least get their domain pointed to a better temporary page.

  3. James Ritala Avatar
    James Ritala

    ZSE is not serious. They cant even do a basic static website that shows only about us and contact details. That is all

    1. Concern Shoko Avatar

      lets do that for them bro!

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