SEACOM restores cable connectivity for customers via alternative routes

Undersea Cable system operator, SEACOM, announced this morning that they have restored most of their customers to alternative cable routes while they work to fix the cable break between Egypt and Marseilles. According to the announcement, downstream internet providers connecting via the SEACOM cable should now be getting normal connectivity.

SEACOM also indicated in their announcement that they have assisted other cables to restore services and that they did this in good faith to ensure minimum downtime for all internet users. This could refer to the EASSy cable. So far EASSy has not commented on the cable break and our emails to them have gone unanswered. We have a response to the email, which we’ll be posting shortly. Here.

Users of the internet locally have reported improved connectivity.

Meanwhile, the actual cable repair will probably take weeks it’s said. “Ships are being sent to the area to bring up the cable and implement repairs.” said the SEACOM announcement.


One response

  1. Time Avatar

    This may be strangest thing that I’ve ever posted here but…Powertel has actually drastically improved as of this evening…

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