About moving web hosts #techzim

Moving HouseTo improve availability and speed of the site, we migrated Techzim to new hosts a few weeks ago. Last time we did this was about 2 years ago when we moved the site from local Zim hosts. Moving hosts itself is not a big deal ofcourse but we know some people are interested to know why and what we moved to so it informs their hosting decisions too.

First, the reason. Techzim was and still is on shared hosting. Despite the bad rap shared hosting gets it still is an adequate and cost effective solution for hosting in most cases. The problem comes when because of traffic (legitimate or malicious) resources run out on the server. Or if the server is sold to too many customers. However, in all cases, when you’ve outgrown shared hosting, or a particular shared hosting package, you will know.

In our case, increasingly frequent “Resource Limit Reached” meant we needed to start looking again. We’re not certain why we got such errors that is whether it was overselling or we’d just outgrown the package we were on. Host wasn’t the best communicator.

Our second reason is skills. We just don’t have the skills (individual and time) in-house to be dealing with hosting management issues exhaustively. We like to be busy creating content and let trusted specialists take care of the technical things. It’s way more effective that way. We also needed personalized WordPress optimised hosting, and we believe we found just the right fit.

Now as for where; it’s a UK based (Well, more Zim based actually) company called Somerset Technical Solutions. It’s been about 4 weeks now, and the frustrating “Resource Limit Reached” issues are gone. I’m sure you also noticed the site’s load speed has significantly improved, which we’re very happy about.

Lastly, thank you for the patience.


  1. Future

    Thank you Lumbikani/Soul for your sustained effort and devotion in providing us with the most relevant IT related content. We are indebted to you for your expertise, your kindness and your effort to bring us the latest and the best news.Not forgetting Garikai Dzomba I appreciate your efforts, you are doing a fantastic job. I’m so proud of you guys. #Kambuzuma Loyd:-)

  2. Sam Takunda

    If shared hosting does the job, it should be left to do the job.

  3. Concern Shoko

    Our second reason is skills. We just don’t have the skills (individual and time) in-house to be dealing with hosting management issues exhaustively. We like to be busy creating content and let trusted specialists take care of the technical things. It’s way more effective that way.

    Most “developers” and “geeks” don’t get this and is the MAIN reason they fail in business. They keep on wearing the “geek” hat, hiding behind the laptop, when its time to wear a suit and meet clients out there!

    1. JamesM

      Meaning what exactly? Are you really a developer? Developers who wear suits are those reaping the fruits of their labour. They don’t wear suits while labouring. All the successes behind the prominent tech names, Microsoft, Google, FaceBook, etc are what they are because of geeks and developers who trenched behind their laptops. The MAIN problem is journalist who like shooting-off their mouths (pens rather) on what they don’t know about.

      1. Concern Shoko

        I am sure u will agree that Zuckerburg discarded his geek hat way before most people knew Facebook to focus on driving company strategy. Thats what I am talking about. if you keep hiding behind your laptop, you will go the myspace route!

  4. Time

    Load speed has definitely increased…It used to take like 10 refreshes just to see the comments on a powertel connection but now they load normally as if Im on a competent internet connection 🙂

  5. Maponda1

    We nw want a .mobi site guys

    1. Méh

      This site is already responsive which means one code for all screen sizes (desktop-mobile), so a mobile site in this case is unnecessary.

  6. tinm@n

    Lol. Loving the pic! Well chosen!!

  7. Méh

    This all makes sense. Effective domain host, Responsive WordPress template, one just one small glitch the horizontally longer online banners are not optimized for for responsive design. You mite want to deal with that so your advertisers get a fair deal of visibility

    1. L.S.M. Kabweza


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