Downloads: Presentations from the Broadband Forum 2013

broadband-panelWe’ve received several requests for the presentations and talks that were made at the Broadband Forum on Friday last week. So we’re sharing all the presentations here below. For talks that were not based on presentations, we’re hoping to be done uploading the videos in the coming days. Please check back.

In the meanwhile, here are the presentations:

[slideshare id=21096521&doc=o-kahiya-opportunityofmobilebroadband-techzim-130513064825-phpapp01]

[slideshare id=21097618&doc=d-behr-connectivitybottlenecksinzimbabwe-techzim-130513071355-phpapp01]

[slideshare id=21097835&doc=j-wekesaincreasedbandwidthcapacityopportunities-techzim-130513071749-phpapp01]

[slideshare id=21097440&doc=r-gonye-devicesasenablersofaccess-techzim-130513070950-phpapp01]


6 responses

  1. ic0n1c Avatar

    Thank you!

  2. tinma@n Avatar

    Thanks TechZim! Please also open a youtube channel so you can upload some of these events. Uploading bandwidth can be easily sponsored by any one of those willing companies, in exchange for a mention. Am sure even a whole media solution including recording of the event can be done for you, if you threw it to the floor of your sponsors. Some of them have media departments that wouldnt miss the devices for a few hours… Just my 2c

    Thanks again!

    1. Time Avatar

      Yeah, even Powertel can chip in. Their mobile internet may be shady at best but no lies, their fibre is one of the most reliable connections I’ve ever used at work.

  3. tinma@n Avatar

    For each slideshare you want to download

    1) Go to Top left corner of slide,

    2) click “View on SlideShare”

    3) Opens SlideShare website

    4) Save

    Repeat steps for next one

    1. tinma@n Avatar


  4. […] We’ve received several requests for the presentations and talks that were made at the Broadband Forum on Friday last week. So we’re sharing all the presentations here below. For talks that were not based on presentations, we’re hoping to be done uploading the videos in the coming days. Please Check the Presenatation here […]

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