The Broadband Forum in pictures

broadband-forum-main-picturFriday the 10th of May will go down in broadband circles as a day of “uninterrupted connectivity”. The Broadband Forum began in earnest at 7:30 am in the morning when the first attendees began trickling in. With Harold Muvuti at the helm as MC, the cold winter atmosphere gave in to a warm and energetic crowd. Presentations filled with rich and relevant insights (local, regional and international) were made by the line-up of speakers who each took questions in between. In line with the event’s theme of Dialogue, Knowledge and Networking, both attendees and speakers had the opportunity to take part in a panel session that was hosted by ZiFM’s Farai Mwakutuya. The often peddled cliché that pictures speak more than a thousand words should find relevance in the pictures below.

We hope everyone who attended found it worthwhile. The event couldn’t have been possible without the support of sponsors, great line-up of speakers and our partners. For those who couldn’t attend, we hope you had a chance to be a part of the event through @263chat’s social media coverage. We will also be loading videos here on the site in the coming days, broadband permitting. On Thursday ZiFM’s will broadcast the Broadband Forum’s panel discussion at 7:30pm. If like us you’re not one for radio equipment in your house you can tune in online here:

Thank you again everyone. We look forward to an even bigger event and more engagement next year!


3 responses

  1. tatendataa Avatar

    followed through the social media and im very impressed and proud of you #techzim .. you did a marvellous job. I hope next time it happens i will be able to attend

  2. KudakwaIshe Chisepo Avatar

    Blessed to have been part of this awesome event

  3. Blogger Avatar

    IMG_6283: Tongai C. Tanhara (Key Account Manager – Africa Online) I hope this inspire you to press your employer (Africa Online) switching from dial-up to broadband, considering people are dealing with measly dialup!

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