More of the Afrocoin money transfer solution: the website screenshot

Afrocoin UI

afrocoin-logoLast month, we wrote about a money transfer service set to launch soon called Afrocoin. With scanty information gleaned from their Crunchbase profile and website holding page, we were not sure of the details of the product it is. We are still not sure about many things, but an image sent to our tips email this afternoon gives more insight into at least their web presence.

The image (see below) is a sample Interface design that, from what we can tell, their web design company has done for the startup. According to the screen, which portrays Afrocoin as a service to enable the Diaspora to send money back home to Zimbabwe Mukuru Style, users of the service will be able to send money to Africa by creating an account with Afrocoin and using their credit card, or a direct deposit to load money and send it through.

One selling point mentioned on the screen is that money transfer from Europe and Canada will be instant. The screen also has US 50 cents as the cost of sending money to Zimbabwe and South Africa. The “mobile money” in the name Afrocoin Mobile Money also seems to mean a mobile app for sending money, and possibly an SMS notification for the recipient to go cash out at an agent.

But we need to say this: it’s all just a screen so all this is pure speculation. The information might just be place holder information put there to show how it will look. It may even be an old screenshot. Hell, Afrocoin might even not be working with these designers anymore!

All that regardless, here’s the image. Click the image for the full resolution one.
Afrocoin UI


5 responses

  1. MI5 Avatar

    Company profile …pliz.

  2. Chris Mberi Avatar
    Chris Mberi

    Receiving is great but is it because regulation that most if not all these money transfer services are only one way. I would love to send money to SA from Zimbabwe.

    1. tinm@n Avatar

      Yeah one way only except wire/swift transfers which should cost $25 if nothing has changed

      1. yav Avatar

        you can send to Congo and bene togo and receive?

  3. […] Afrocoin that we wrote about back in June? Then, they were just a profile on Crunchbase and a few screenshots here and there promising the service would be live in a couple of months. They are here. Afrocoin is launching, […]

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