Quib.ly to the parents’ rescue

Let’s be honest, when it comes to technology most parents are, well, “dumb.” At least that is what most teenagers think and it is hard to argue against this. Many a study have shown that younger people have more friends on social sites such as Bebo, Facebook and Twitter, that they make more updates including intimate details and pictures of themselves; play more video games; go to the movies and parties much more often and are early adopters of technologies.

To be fair most parents I know are still catching up on WhatsApp and hash tags  and have no idea what instagram is. It is not an overstatement to say therefore that when it comes to parenting in the digital world most parents are way in over their heads. This is where quib.ly comes in.

Quibly is not just another social networking site. Rather than trying to be another Facebook, it is an online platform that allows parents to meet each other and offer parenting advice concerning technology and other things. If you have been planning to buy a gaming console for your 14 year old son and you are wondering what games are appropriate chances are that someone has been there before. Sure you could look at the game label and try and decide but I am persuaded to think the advice of another parent who actually cares about their child would be better than the advice of the game company. 

Questions like should I buy a cellphone for my 5 year old daughter? Should I allow my 10 year old son to play Call of Duty? What do you think of www.logoffmykids.com? are discussed and those who have crossed that bridge proffer advice. If no one has quib.ly has a panel of experts who are informed on the topic of discussion and will step in and offer advice to those concerned. These experts try to keep abreast of the developments in the tech world and inform parents on these so that parents can be proactive. The trending question for the week was: What the heck is Keek? If you have never heard of it now might be a good time to check it out before you child gets the craze.

In a world where we are swamped with passwords, the site offers reprieve by allowing people to log in using their Facebook accounts. Instead of hashtags information is put into categories such as gaming, mobile etc. None technological advice such as the best way to help your child study is also exchanged.

Over the past decade or so the extended family in Zimbabwe has been suffering a quiet death.. The truth is we don’t get to see our grandparents or aunts for advice that much anymore. Maybe “aunt” quib.ly might help us learn how to burp the baby right.


One response

  1. jokoniya

    ndakuto quibla

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