The website,, allows visitors to enter their Zimbabwe national identity number to check if their name appears on the voters roll or not. If an individual’s name is on the voters roll, the website confirms this, and provides the name of the ward and constituency they are registered in. In the case that a person is not registered the website returns a “No records were found” message and encourages the person to report any irregularities suspected to a crowdsourced map.
As for the accuracy of this service, we frankly have no idea. There’s no information on the site about where they got the data or what data source they are querying for the information. As you can see above, the website just says it works for registration done before 27 May 2013.
The website also provides other information related to voter registration.
Imagine that, I’m a registered voter albeit over 220km’s away…
so nice innovation
This is both good and bad. I can see gen’a re….. richifamba riine tablet. Anyone who will not appear on the database will have their hand chopped off.
pane vaya vanositi heee tino hacker, hee wat wat. heyo ka zim site ine ‘valuable’ data
why would you think of the valuable data alone?
The Institute for a Democratic Alternative for Zimbabwe
(IDAZIM) is an independent, not-for-profit, public interest
policy institute with secretariats in Harare, Zimbabwe, and
Johannesburg, South Africa. IDAZIM’s main objective is to
provide a platform for pro–democracy institutions and
human rights actors to advance Zimbabwe’s democratiza-
tion, with programs built around the following major
themes: democracy and governance, including political
transition and constitutional governance; economic analy-
sis in a context of socio-political transition; transitional jus-
tice, human rights, and rule of law; professional leadership
training; and international policy analysis and global ad-
No. 329 Samora Machel Avenue
Eastlea, Harare
Tel. +263-4-442-648 or +263-4-442-650
Fax: +263-4-442-650
No affiliations to ZEC or others. Either they have access to the current voters roll or they downloaded a previously leaked one and imported the data to their online database.
If the ZEC was transparent, they could have easily created a similar site. Now Zimbabweans are checking their particulars through a third party. One does not know what else this data is to be used for and who the people actually are. Its a pity.
i have never registered to vote or voted in my life but i got my name there and the constituency is for my rural home
TZ Im sure you’ve heard of Baba Jukwa…please like him on facebook and you would have realized this website came out about last week…kinda makes your news look stale :p
Anyhow…I tried the site with 2 previously registered voters and both their info came up correct and the same two went physically check as you cant be too sure in Zim and indeed their names were in the voters role.
follow Baba Jukwa on Facebook we will 😉
thanks for the feedback!
Why NOT use a local domain? or
I’m still feeling vulnerable