We are told the 4G LTE dongles are finally available at Econet shops, at least in those places where Econet has 4g coverage, which is basically Harare, Bulawayo and Victoria Falls. It’s important though to note that coverage is not who whole city, just sections of it. See the detailed locations at the end of this article.
If you’re one to jump on this immediately, you will be set back US $90 and set to be fair also set forward on speed. Which brings up the question ‘is it a great idea to go out and get a 4G dongle right now?’
Well, first the obvious one is if you are not in Harare, Bulawayo and Vic Falls there’s really no point. At $90 you are paying extra for something you will never use. The 3G dongle is still only $28. Remember back in 2009 when it too was up there priced out of reach? And it’s not Econet’s fault the dongles are dear, just the case of a new technology whose prices will drop with time. We doubt they are putting any meaningful margin on them. Econet have a strong enough case to need these to be in as many hands as possible so people can consume data.
So anyway, add a hefty price to limited 4G coverage and you’re pretty much are buying just coz it’s 4G. Which you’d only want to do if you have extra money to throw around on luxuries.
On performance, for everyday use; email, Facebook, a bit of YouTube, research, Skype etc… 3G is still very capable to deliver so smooth an experience you don’t really need 4G. Unless maybe you’re looking to replace your DStv subscription with internet TV (Netflix, Hulu, iROKOtv) but then again fibre to your home will give you the perfect experience for this.
Why then buy 4G? If you have any suggestions, please do enter them in the comments below.
And here’s the detailed list of locations that have coverage so far (see above picture)
I’ll never understand who can afford Econet dongles, it’s so damn expensive!
Corporates. and people that require connectivity on the go.
those with no use for their extra cash
The dongle price is not the issue, the cost of the data is. You’d only appreciate the speed upgrade if you’re already happy being extorted for data at econet rates.
have you checked out the comparison of data rates here: http://www.techzim.co.zw/2013/06/comparison-of-mobile-broadband-tariffs-in-zimbabwe/
I check every week or thereabouts. And currently the best deal for a dongle is Africom’s Unlimited package.
I’m at a stage where I think metered data is not a good deal (although still acceptable on the mobile, a little).
Dude, try ZOL Unlimited WiMax…best on offer. Dongles are too frustrating.
Best on offer? Not really cause you need to “invest” in a tower that costs $500 or the $250 indoor modem (which is still nuts). I actually use the Africom mi-fi modem (mini modem which is a portable wi-fi hotspot generator too) which supports 5 devices so I’m cool with Africom. Unlimited for $35 a month (promo though) is the best deal.
Dude, $59 includes the equipment. Its a flat fee and you start surfing.
Yes, their advertising material says that but the blocks and stones at Zol offices don’t seem to acknowledge that.
Just taken a pic of my ZOL receipt in front of the WiMax unit. Stop doubting and start enjoying.
Oh you’ve got the indoor unit? Not available in my area yet but they said i should check back month end.
is it capped or uncapped
Same data service as 3G, Edge
very limited coverage, expensive to buy, crazy data rates. i’ll give it a pass, but thanks anyway econet.
Looking at Zim internet prices makes me so sad…I recently moved to Canada, and believe it or not am averaging about 4gigs A DAY…on “basic” internet usage such as 2 Netflix Shows, some vines from Facebook and general news reading which these days also involves alot of video. And guess what…I pay just $30 a month (included installation)! Ofcourse the service is fibre but even the mobile data options are nowhere near as dear as Econets. I just hope for the day when Zimbabweans will be able to really enjoy the internet the way I’ve now been enjoying it.
I think my WiMax is still ok for my needs.
Won’t be going back to a dongle any time soon.
You cant beat $59 unlimited.
Pingback: Econet open up LTE to smartphones. Unlikely to be expand network fast - Techzim