Announcing Techzim Surge and the ZOL Startup Challenge

Announcing Techzim Surge and the ZOL Startup Challenge

Surge-Article-BannerSince 2011, we’ve been organising a grass roots tech event & Startup Challenge thanks to the team at ZOL Zimbabwe. Way before any hype or encouraging signs, ZOL has consistently committed themselves to developing the local ecosystem. To date, nearly 100 applicants/startups have gone through the programme and received crucial feedback from a great team of judges. This year is another positive step forward as we introduce Techzim Surge and the ZOL Startup Challenge. Surge is nothing new, building from the events and work we’ve been doing over the years. The key difference is that it’s more structured around the amazing interaction we have with startups and players within the ecosystem on a daily basis.

On 10 October, all roads tech will lead to The Centurion Pub & Grill (formerly known as “The Maiden”). In line with our traditional format, the morning will kick off with presentations (no death by PowerPoint!) and a panel discussion. Startups and service providers have the opportunity to exhibit their products to attendees on the sidelines of the event. . If you’re looking for a job at a startup or to be a part of a great team, Surge is also the place to be as some exhibitors (including Techzim) are hiring and would love to meet you.

During the afternoon, the ZOL Startup Challenge will begin. Throughout the year, we’ve been receiving messages from various startups asking about the event. Well it’s definitely happening so get ready! Instead of actual cash, this year’s challenge will reward the winners with seed investment. What’s the difference? The difference is that instead of a cash payout, a milestone based structure will be in place. Funding is one of the biggest challenges local startups face however it is not the only one.

Applicants can find more information on the Surge Site.


  1. Victor Mukandatsama

    Thanks again team. This effort is much appreciated.

  2. You guys are doing a wonderful job. I support the entrepreneurial cause. May the best team win.

  3. Chanyane

    Gud show to all you guys. Bad thing for me is 10 Oct I am back to work after two weeks of bliss in rural Plumtree (and one or two days of tech stuff in Bulawayo). Would have loved to show up in Harare.

  4. tinm@n

    Great stuff TechZim, ZOL and partners!

    One request,if its at all possible…once upon a time, please have an event in Bulawayo or surrounding regions too.

    I also noticed that the site does not elaborate much on the seed funding and the milestone structure you mentioned.

    Minor error on your reg. page:

    Date of launch
    If service or product is…., enter the date it launched here

    Would like to see more women involved, even amongst the judges.

    • error on banner graphic “incoporating” vs “incorporating” nevertheless I am so happy about the initiative

  5. SaFaith

    What about us who just want to come and observe the event…not necessarily showcase anything?

  6. I love the seed investment move. brilliant. unenge uri millionaire but u cant touch the cash business and progress zvichifaya.

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