Chinoz – GTel poll results, miss confirmed

Tendai Mupaso Avatar
Surprise surprise! Close to 40% think GTel made a good move in appointing Chinoz

Following up on Chinotimba’s appointment as a GTel brand ambassador, Techzim did an online snap survey to measure sentiments from our tech community and the results largely confirmed my initial thoughts on the issue.

62% of respondents felt the appointment of Chinoz was generally southwards as either not well thought out or disastrous. 38% felt that the Chinotimba appointment was a positive one with 28% of these considering it a masterstroke from GTel.

If the appointment was a publicity stunt as many suggested, GTel certainly succeeded as they got people talking. The Chinoz appointment was amongst the leading stories on Techzim and social media last week and GTel got some publicity going. Whether this will work well for them in the long term remains to be seen.

There is some merit in some arguments put forward that with Chinoz, GTel is looking at the rural to peri-urban markets particularly the “new farmers”. There are also some who came forward and said Chinotimba’s lifestory mirror GTel’s own story. Both GTel and Chinoz have achieved a great deal of success in recent year despite the constant barrage of negativity thrown at them.

GTel has not made any further comment on the appointment after the announcement but “celebrity” endorsements have been consistently been part of their brand strategy as they have partnered with Stunner, and most recently Winky D, to push their brand.

Did GTel make the right choice appointing Chinoz their Brand Ambassador?

Not well thought out (36%, 49 Votes)

Inspired Choice! (28%, 38 Votes)

Disastrous (26%, 35 Votes)

Fair (10%, 13 Votes)


  1. Mutapa

    I will try and be objective. You need to get a statistician to advise you before you publish. There are things such as bias, confidence level etc that are important before one plans a survey or use the results thereof. I cant think of anything else reasonable to justify this article save for the fact that you must have an agenda against GTEL.

    1. tinm@n

      True. no indication of the population size and other demographics.For all we know,there could be less than 100 respondents of which most are in their late teens to 20s,urban raised and non owning a Gtel or aspiring to have one.

      Hardly conclusive

      1. L.S.M. Kabweza

        You could be wrong about non owning a GTel. I have owned 2 GTel devices in the past year alone. as for the age demographic, it’s actually 25 – 34 age group is actually the majority of the readers here.
        Size of sample was 136… nothing scientific and not meant to be… it’s a snap. Don’t take it too seriously

        1. Mutapa

          maybe you should re-word the title to something like- “Chinoz-GTEL Poll results-TechZim readers blah blah bla” and then describe the readership before you generalise. We take some of the things you publish here seriously.

          Is TechZim funded by ZOL/ECONET by any chance?

          1. L.S.M. Kabweza

            mhaiwee kwazvazosvika…
            no. we are funded by readers. you! without you there’s nothing here, we’ll just go home 😉

            1. tinm@n

              Lol. Not the first time someone “raises that suspicion”

              Mostly their ignorance. Thinking that adverts on Techzim imply direct funding. They just happen to be the most active who are targetting such a context and location on Google ads.

          2. nini inini

            I am struggling to find where this story links with ZOL or Econet! Could you by any chance being paid a salary by Netone?

            1. Farai Sairai

              +1 hahahahaha!!! 😀

        2. tinm@n

          You didnt get me. That was an example of demographics and how they relate to poll conclusions. I did say “For all we know…” narrowed to age, birth place and GTel ownership history or aspirations. Polls do ask such questions for insight even “snap” ones.

          Why not take it seriously when it does influence perception of GTel. Which is a business.

          1. L.S.M. Kabweza

            yeah I had not got you.
            take it seriously.. just not too so coz there’s nothing scientific about it.

            1. techzimfan

              @kabweza:disqus I take it you are the moderator. Exercise a little professional conduct. By taking a defensive stance towards this article as Mod simply means TechZim as represented by you, not in your personal capacity, are impartial. I hope you get my point here. We love this forum..just a hint

              1. tinm@n

                I think it pretty professional to defend or respond to comments or crits.In agreement or not

    2. L.S.M. Kabweza

      haaaa, an agenda!!

  2. Statistician

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