#Twimbos, Twitter is calling.

Twimbos invasion on Twitter
Twimbos invasion on Twitter

Twitter has grown in leaps and bounds this year and Zimbos finally seem to have got a “handle” on it. Although, no official user stats are available on Zimbabwe (ZARF says 2%), Twitter has become the main social network for many Zimbos, or should I say #Twimbos.

Although I only have 131 followers to show for it, I joined Twitter in 2012 and it has eclipsed Facebook as both my favourite and main social network. If i didn’t have pages to manage on Facebook, I would hardly visit it as it has lost relevance to me and my interests.

I believe the edge Twitter has over Facebook is Twitter’s main drive on a person’s interests unlike Facebook whose drive is on a persons relations, like friends and family who may be people with boring stories you’re no longer interested in.

The very nature of “micro-blogging” on Twitter means that we are spared of those long winding yada yada posts that end up asking you to like or comment “Amen” else Jesus withholds his blessings. Twitter feeds are shotr, concise and more times than not, relevant to your own stated interest.

Back in the day when I was a Twitter newbie (last year actually), the content I followed was international because local content was just a handful. Today, all the top brands in Zimbabwe are active on Twitter, local celebrities engage with fans (sometime exchanging un-pleasantries) and every other hour local news agencies tweet local news, available for free on their website. Sounds like a mature Twitter community to me.

Probably the biggest put-off for new Twitter users is the “tweminology” and Twitter etiquette which is not immediately easy to get for novice users. I recently discovered that “DM” means Direct Message and initially I thought that was just unnecessary until I realised in a microblogging site like Twitter, posts have to be short (140 characters maximum) and typing “inbox me” or “message” will eat into your limited real estate. Even DMs are limited to 140 characters which makes the whole experience exciting. I mean, if you can communicate effectively regularly with only 140 characters at a time, you definitely have some level of brightness in you.

Millions of others the world over have it, and I can’t see why at the moment some fellow Zimbos are not in the twitosphere enjoying great content from @chat263, @pokellosexy, @hararecynic, my handle, @tendaimupaso and ours @Techzim.

As for local business, local social media enthusiast @tnyaruwanga suggests that businesses should stick to organic means to reach people on Twitter as #twimbos are still unstable in their use patterns.

Here is a list of a few twitter etiquette and tweminology explained.

Follower / following: On Twitter, blogs, and other social media sites, a follower is someone who subscribes to receive your updates. On the Twitter “following” someone means you will see their messages in your own personal timeline. Twitter lets you see all the people you follow and also who is following you. You can choose however to block people you don’t want following you.

Mentions Mentions are basically you mentioning the twitter name of a person to direct to direct that tweet to them in reply to their update, you just wanting them to see the tweet. A reply will be saved in the user’s “Replies” tab. Replies are sent either by clicking the ‘reply’ icon below an update or typing “@twittername message” (e.g., @techzim can you write another article on Twitter?).

Direct message (DM): Short for direct message, it is the function of the Twitter service that enables you to send a private message (direct message) to a person you follow.


Hashtag: A hashtag is a way of organizing your updates for Twitter’s search engine. Users prefix a message with a community-driven hash tag to enable others to discover relevant posts. One commonly used hash tag in Zimbabwe is #twimbos which is used when referencing Zimbabweans.

Find out more tweminology meanings here.


3 responses

  1. purple Avatar

    While twitter is good, I doubt if it will ever replace facebook. Twitter is going to have a tough time reaching the popularity levels of facebook in Zimbabwe. For one thing the popularity of masasi pages has not been able to be transfered to a facebook platform. Facebook has features which are better for socializing…..while twitter is more of news snippets thats why its called a micro blogging site. I have connected with long lost friends on facebook. To me facebook is more beneficial that twitter. I am switching to keeping photo albums on facebook. And obviously i want to limit who accesses them. Twitter is just one loud room. And don’t under estimate the power of the like button.

    Usually most when most of my cousins get a phone that can go on the internet they ask me to help them open a facebook account. Zuckerberg is safe in Zimbabwe

  2. anthonysomerset Avatar

    one of the big things twitter has over facebook relevant in the Zim market is the fact that its just status updates rather than like this, share that, play this game, etc etc – its simpler which generally means more efficient on the data usage and compatible with more devices

    in fact when twitter was originally conceived the idea was that a smart phone wouldn’t be a requirement – it was originally designed to make use of (in the US) users SMS bundles from networks that were literally giving 1000’s out for free as part of contracts

  3. ﻖﺸﻋ ﺮﯿﻤﻧ ﺰﮔﺮﻫ Avatar
    ﻖﺸﻋ ﺮﯿﻤﻧ ﺰﮔﺮﻫ

    Not long ago I penned an article titles We Are Twimbos where i shared my experience since I joined twitter and some of my fellow twimbos that made and still make my stay enjoyable. Check it out on https://medium.com/better-humans/a14ece156416

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