Econet introduces closed user group (CUG) prepaid product, Buddie Circle

buddie-logoEconet announced through some teaser ads in the print press the introduction of a new prepaid voice product called Buddie Circle. As the name suggests, this is a closed user group service where a subscriber can make calls at a reduced rate, and receive calls from members within the group.

Our sources at the company tell us the actual introduction of the product will happen either later today, or on Sunday. How it works is that a subscriber will choose 3 numbers they want to be a group of and they will be able to call these at a 20% discount. The numbers have to be on the Econet network too.

CUGs are usually designed for company postpaid lines so Econet’s prepaid product is unique in that sense locally, and we love it! It’s not clear yet if Econet’s Buddie Circle will allow buddies to be part of more than one group, but we surely hope so. Maybe a limit of 5 Buddie groups. Or more even!


5 responses

  1. Ndafara Tsamba Avatar
    Ndafara Tsamba

    Meh, but I guess it’s better than nothing!

  2. Elder Avatar

    i think this is a similar product to the Telecel’s TELECEL BUSINESS concept , the difference comes in on the fact that the Econet one is available on prepaid lines and the closed user group only allows 3 but generally i think its a good product, they just need to increase the discount to 40% maybe

  3. kudai Avatar

    Vodafone does it with 5 people in a group, you pay a fiver a month its popular, i’m sure econet one can be popular as well as BUT it needs to be cheaper than 20%.

  4. Mhof Avatar

    Isn’t this similar to what Net One introduced as ‘Home Zone’ a couple of years ago? It’s hardly an innovation to me, Econet seems to just be shooting EVERYWHERE.

  5. michael manata Avatar
    michael manata

    pliz help me l need to deactivate my buddie circle lyk now

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