How much WhatsApp’s $19 billion is worth in Zimbabwe money (Infographic)

Seeing WhatsApp’s seemingly extremely high valuation that came with the announcement today by Facebook that they are acquiring it. We thought we could bring the figures home a bit and have some fun drawing some quick comparisons with some country figures as well as the value of some local companies like Delta , Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, and Innscor Africa.

Here goes the infographic: You can view the interactive version of the infographic on Infogram.


If you have other interesting comparisons we can make, you’re welcome to comment away below!


12 responses

  1. ic0n1c Avatar

    Nice infographic… please do more. They help our “seniors” to put things into perspective.

    1. Mutapa Avatar

      Zvitaurire… aiwa kutamba hangu. Uri right ipapo.

  2. mduduzi Avatar

    Really cool guys. Thanks for that.

  3. Norman Nhliziyo Avatar
    Norman Nhliziyo


  4. zesa boy Avatar
    zesa boy

    How many power stations can we build with such moolah?

  5. Added Advantage Avatar
    Added Advantage

    If WhatsApp had to pay Cashberts salary, they would run dry after 6800 years!!!

  6. wayan Avatar

    OMG – LMAO!! Great one, guys. Perfect pitch humor.

  7. Mutapa Avatar

    Ko, vabhadharirei mari yakawanda kudaro? Handiti you can download Whatsapp yacho for free pa internet? As connection yavo iri slow?

  8. Farai Mutambanengwe Avatar
    Farai Mutambanengwe

    This is the reason why we should be investing in IT innovation instead of failed industries in which we are uncompetitive!

  9. Zimbo@heart Avatar

    Nice stuff Kabweza.

  10. Pridemw Avatar

    Awesome analysis!

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