TechZim, i am very worried about this copy-paste tendency you have developed of late. What happened to verifying things before blogging them. That “state of government websites” done by mobility is not true for Namibia. Just a simple “namibia government website” Google search will return many beautifully crafted websites. And to say DRC websites are good is laughable. I don’t know what criteria mobility used. Please verify stuff before posting. Ndatenda hangu
Hey @fiend @Beven, thanks for the feedback. It’s very much appreciated. Yes we can do more to provide our own input into stories so thank you for that gentle reminder. As for the looks, we are working to improve as we go. We really think it is important for us to have a roundup of stories that we don’t focus on ourselves.
TechZim, i am very worried about this copy-paste tendency you have developed of late. What happened to verifying things before blogging them. That “state of government websites” done by mobility is not true for Namibia. Just a simple “namibia government website” Google search will return many beautifully crafted websites. And to say DRC websites are good is laughable. I don’t know what criteria mobility used. Please verify stuff before posting. Ndatenda hangu
Yeah, ugly and lazy if you ask me.
Hey @fiend @Beven, thanks for the feedback. It’s very much appreciated. Yes we can do more to provide our own input into stories so thank you for that gentle reminder. As for the looks, we are working to improve as we go. We really think it is important for us to have a roundup of stories that we don’t focus on ourselves.
See the latest roundup here:
We look forward to more feedback.. especially the stuff you don’t like!