Econet launches own EcoCash Android app. Here’s the download

EcoCash-Android-AppEarlier this week, when we posted about the re-enabling of the EcoCash long USSD codes by Econet, we speculated that we may start to see some new Android apps in the coming weeks. It has happened sooner than weeks. Our sources in the industry have pointed us to Econet’s own Android app that was released to Google’s Play Store just last night. It hasn’t been announced yet though.

You can download it here. The app requires Android Gingerbread going up.

This official EcoCash Android app has a couple of things different from the unofficial one that came before it. First, the app doesn’t accept the user’s pin code. It just strings together the long USSD code and submits it on behalf of the user. The EcoCash USSD platform then takes over and requests the user’s security pin. This makes it more secure than the Droid app which would itself see the pin. To be fair Econet changed the structure of the USSD menu recently to accommodate this new way of entering the pin.

We should see similar apps coming up for Telecash in the coming weeks especially considering that the Telecash menu is already structured to accept pin codes after stringing the long USSD code.In fact, we have word a number of developers are on to it, so check back!

Goes without saying that we love this new app. If you have an Android phone, this makes things much much easier, especially in the specific use case of paying a merchant at the checkout point in a store.

What we’re dying to see next though is what any dual sim loving nation needs in such a case – an app that can do both EcoCash and Telecash!

Here are some screenshots of the EcoCash Android app:



ecocash-android-3 ecocash-android-4


38 responses

  1. shayamombe Avatar

    Inspied to change your world !!!! Muchazodeyi ?

    1. L.S.M. Kabweza Avatar

      Tichazoda API so we develop our own apps!

      1. Proudly Zimbo Avatar
        Proudly Zimbo

        Taura hako, they say it was locally developed but the core isnt local…

        1. Victor Mukandatsama Avatar
          Victor Mukandatsama

          Interesting. Explain what you mean by not local. How do you tell.

  2. Econet Hater Avatar
    Econet Hater

    So they disabled the long USSD codes because the Droid App developer had disrupted their plans of releasing an Android App………..

    Pathetic. But genius business strategy.
    If you cant beat them shut them down

    1. Bweheheheheheheheh Avatar

      sori hako let me look for tissue paper so u can wipe yo tears

      1. Econet Hater Avatar
        Econet Hater

        You are a fool.

        1. Bweheheheheheheher Avatar

          You are very smart.
          I think this will make you very happy!!!

          1. Econet Hater Avatar
            Econet Hater

            I still think you are a fool!

    2. Kampoyo Kaduku Avatar
      Kampoyo Kaduku

      Go & hug a transformer mate.

      1. Econet Hater Avatar
        Econet Hater

        Go and phUc|< your mother mate.

  3. Duwayne Goddard Avatar
    Duwayne Goddard

    Okay BUT how do you buy data bundle from the app?

    1. L.S.M. Kabweza Avatar

      there doesn’t seem to be a menu for that hey…no idea why.. maybe too many parameters for stringing to the USSD long code

  4. Anthony Somerset Avatar

    need an iphone app now!

    1. L.S.M. Kabweza Avatar

      ummm.. maybe getting a better phone?

      1. Harlin Avatar

        We all Hate Iphone till we get 1 and then we realise that sometimes things are just mearnt to work –

  5. Batanayi Fox Matuku Avatar
    Batanayi Fox Matuku

    The app is looking very good. Thanks to econet…

  6. Chihelele Avatar

    My Galaxy S3 and Galaxy s4 cant find this app in the play store. I dont know what operating system im running though.

  7. purple Avatar

    In all this talk of ecocash this and telecash that, where is Netone being talked?

    1. Kennedy Avatar

      In their offices, Kopje Plaza

      1. purple Avatar

        I think someone needs to tell them to wake up and smell the coffee. At the end of the day we will end up with econet and telecel sharing the pie

    2. Me2 Avatar

      hahaha hv u evr heard of ONE WALLET?? thy started this thing ka

  8. @code_writer Avatar

    eCommerce and Payment solutions are beginning to shape up. What stops me from developing a mobile e-commerce app and bypass other ecocash payment gateways. Because is just a question on mapping the USSD code to pay the merchant on the CHECKOUT button. Of course the user enters the pin via an active ussd session. The app would then register an event listener so as to intercept the ussd response to verify the transaction #SimpleApplicationLogic if im not missing something.

    1. Victor Mukandatsama Avatar
      Victor Mukandatsama

      Taking a quick swipe at your logic. It would seem ok but as LK already highlighted earlier the possible reason for no data bundle menu is the resultant lengthy USSD string. Imagine what would be required to accommodate Merchant / Biller code, account, name and the rest of the fields normally used to pay bills especially. Just saying

      Inevitably API is the way to go.

  9. MI5 Avatar

    When you transaction with Eco-cash, sometimes it is not sending SMS confirmation that the transaction has been performed successfully. This is so annoying, that we have to relay on checking our wallet balance. Please Econet Services (Eco-cash) sort that loophole…

  10. Goddie Avatar

    Saka yeBlackberry ichauyawo riini. Waiting…

  11. Harlin Avatar

    P.S. if this “App” is using USSD codes to transact then ECONET are STUPID –

    1. The King Avatar
      The King


      1. MI5 Avatar

        Unstructured Supplementary Service Data sucks!!! We want someone in the UK or USA to use the service too.

        1. The King Avatar
          The King

          I get it. Valid argument

  12. Disgusted Avatar

    ECOCASH APP debited wallet without crediting airtime topup. This happened after error message “MMI code error” or something to that effect. Does anyone know how I can get a response from Ecocash on this and the correction of this? In the meantime I cannot afford to risk more money by using this app.

    1. GwanHacker Avatar

      This app is full of bugs … you just have to wait for patches inorder to safely use it.

  13. Chibaba Chacho Avatar
    Chibaba Chacho

    how about for blackberry and windows phones?

  14. Clay Avatar

    Any developers here? I am interested in a wordpress plugin for any of the three mobile phone payment companies, ecocash,telecash and netone. Would be happy to put in a bit of cash

  15. Kelly Makoni Avatar
    Kelly Makoni

    hello i was just wondering because this app is such a good idea and love but since im in new zealand am i able to buy air time for my mum in zim using the the 071 or she has to have 077… please just let me know if that possible pleaese

  16.  Avatar

    Why does the app say external application down??

  17. vuyisile Avatar


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