Latest Techzim podcast: Steward Bank, WhatsApp, Nokia-Microsoft Deal & more

Thanks again for joining us for this Techzim podcast. This time around we engaged in lengthy conversations on the alleged retrenchments at Steward Bank, WhatsApp reaching half a billion users and the Microsoft’s purchase of Nokia.

We also discussed George Chingore’s story on patenting the Protronics airtime vending machine and a host of other tech issues that dominated headlines throughout the world.

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Please feel free to weigh in with your thoughts on this Techzim podcast in the comments section.


  1. Drogo

    Thank you for making your podcast informative and interesting @L.S.M Kabweza, @Nigel Gambanga , @Tendai Mupaso. Please ask @Tawanda Kembo next time for curated comments of what’s happening with Bitcoin and @Garikai Dzomba to give us info on Ubuntu’s much-anticipated mobile OS and the Ubuntu Touch e.t.c

    1. L.S.M. Kabweza

      Thanks for the suggestions Drogo… we’ll definitely be following this through!

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