- Strive Masiyiwa
You’d be forgiven for thinking the Zimbabwe startup ecosystem has been thrown into the future, because it definitely feels like it. Strive Masiyiwa is in the country. We haven’t received much detail about this yet, so we can’t share much at the moment except for a few indications we’re getting from some sources close to Econet founder.
The founder of Econet Wireless is in the country and top of his mission is to activate technology startups with a $100 million venture capital fund. According to our sources the fund, called Enhanced Startups, has already been set and a team is scouting the market for potential startups who will receive seed funding. While the focus is on early stage investing, the Enhanced Startups fund will also do later stages of investment depending on the size of opportunity. We’re also told that at least 4 startups have been identified so far.
Masiyiwa has assembled a team of experienced startup entrepreneurs and venture capitalists drawn from mainly Silicon Valley, Kenya, South Africa and India, to drive Enhanced Startups. These include entrepreneurs that have funded or founded companies that were eventually bought by the likes of Google, Apple, Facebook and other such tech giants.
That’s all we have right now, but please do check back for the live stream.
Yup, #AprilFools
20 responses
April fools.
who is fooling who
APRIL FOOLS DAY (is today do not participate)
***Share this with you friends. Its important.
Exodus 20vs16, Numbers 23vs19, e.t.c
Satan is very clever hey. He created a scene or event
where even christians will attract themselves and sin
against their GOD and feel so comfortable about
that. Lying is not allowed by GOD as the eighth says,
“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy
neighbour” (Exodus 20:16). However, satan created
the APRIL FOOLS DAY where people will be lying and
fooling each other but feels so comfortable with
We should be like our father GOD who do not lie.
Tell me, so do you mean if GOD sees nothing wrong
about April Fools Day so does it mean that he will be
off on the 1st of April? The bible says on Numbers
23vs19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither
the son of man, that he should repent.
Ask yourself the same question Job asked himself on
Job 24:25, when he asked”…who will make me a liar,
and make my speech nothing worth?”. Therefore a
real christian should ask him/herself SHOULD APRIL
From the name itself, April FOOLS Day, it raises many
questions on who exactly this occasion was created
for? FOOLS!!!!! Are you a FOOL? Here is what the
bible says about FOOLS, Psalms 14&53vs1, The FOOL
hath said in his heart, there is no GOD. Therefore by
participating on the APRIL FOOLS DAY you will be
denying GOD.
The danger of participating on the day is as said on,
Psalms 24:4-5, “He…who hath not…sworn
deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the
LORD,”. You have been waiting for something from
GOD dont decieve your blessing by participating on
Dont participate for the APRIL FOOLS DAY occassion.
Leave the day for the FOOLS and remain righteous
before GOD. Amen!!!!
Geez man such religiosity? Calm down man, It’s April fools.
That is not religiosity that is the truth , anything of the devil appears innocent and funny but the truth is it has evil intentions. Why would a christian joke with lies?
shut up
Jealousy is a bad thing.
God says he is jealous God. Therefore by logic, God is bad
How dull can you be?
Do you understand what context is?
Waste of space
Your need to read those scriptures out loud to yourself then ask a person with REAL UNDERSTANDING to explain what they mean. Even the devil quoted relevant scripture.
Good one….
I’ll confess that I fell for it.
Almost fell off my chair.
Was singing “I’m coming home…” in my head
He may not come back to Zim permanently, but you never know, you may have inspired some assistance from them
fooled me
Strive is too much of a coward to come back to Zimbabwe. He will continue milking us with poor but expensive telecom services from his bases all over the World. Haana dhiri muface uyu
Who owns Telecel?
A nice prank for April fools day.
Kabweza you bastard
Thou shall not lie LSM kkkkkkkkk I hope you repented to God for lying
Repent I did… hence the update at the bottom!
till next 1 April 😉
Yo really got me there!