Zimdeveloper: Here’s a cool place to learn and debate everything programming


My short experience writing for Techzim has taught me that Zimbabwe has a lot of developers, pros and some pretenders, with one thing in common. Passion! They’ll love to flaunt their skills, debate and defend anything relating to their craft.

Almost anything we post here with the slightest touch of being technical sparks some great debate about what is what, who’s right and who’s wrong, etc.

There’s nothing wrong with this. This is only a reflection of dedication to the trade and now, a new blog has been set up fully dedicated to you, the Zimbabwean Developers.

The mission of Zimdeveloper.com is  interesting and challenges the local developer on issues we are all aware of. The about page reads:

The blog is set to be a resource and information hub that helps established developers wishing to learn new skills, students and tech enthusiasts to gain access to information that is vital for them to start developing.

Generally, the quality and delivery standards has been the focal point of criticism towards Local developers. Zimdeveloper seems ready to call out peers and encourage better standards, for the greater good of course.

The driving force is the amount of substandard work that is being submitted to clients in Zimbabwe. We have to create a crop of developers who know exactly what they are doing. Developers who know how to use their tools, developers who are sure of what they are doing and also developers who are aware of the many different things they can achieve with the many technologies around them. Also of note is the rapid pace at which technological advances are happening, ZimDeveloper also serves to keep developers aware of the changes happening and how they can use these to their advantage.

Probably aware of the possibility of having their credibility attacked, the team at Zimdeveloper has a neat disclaimer and state that they are not “gurus or masters of the topics they write about” but simply “beings continually advancing themselves and sharing the information we have”.

Lead by founder Bhekimpilo Ncube, the Zimdeveloper team is partly spread around the Zimbabwe with two bloggers in Harare, 2 in Bulawayo and one in Marondera. None of the guys are full time at the moment and hopefully that wont affect content frequency early on.

The blog, barely a week old already has a sizable amount of articles on Web development, Hardware (a review of the HP Probook 4545), programming tools and languages.

With the way most local Techies love to debate and prove they know better, Zimdeveloper promises to be both engaging and entertaining. Most importantly, the hope is that all the debate will lead to learning and better standards in he field of programming.


4 responses

  1. Douglas Maposa Avatar
    Douglas Maposa

    We are getting there. Thank you #ZimDeveloper from coming up with this blog

  2. Drogo Avatar

    A hub platform could make more sense e.g github.com

  3. mupini Avatar

    welcome move

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