Use this Android app to pay less in EcoCash & Telecash mobile money tariffs

tariff-calculatorA few days ago, we posted an article that essentially showed how you can game the mobile money tariffs by splitting the transaction amount so you can pay less.

But making those calculations is a hassle. After reading the article, a local developer decided to develop an Android app that simplifies the process. Called Tariff Calculator, when you enter the amount you want to transact, it calculates and provides the best possible split and shows how much you can save.

It provides the best possible tariffs for both EcoCash and Telecash, the two most prevalent mobile money platforms locally. It’s easily the most useful app to be installed on any Zimbabwean phone right now. An app that saves you money!

Here are some example screenshots of a Cash-out, and sending to an unregistered user:



The developer preferred anonymity, only identifying themselves as App Bendr. You can find the app in the Google Play store here. Their Play profile says they also developed the ZimPulse app, a Zimbabwean news aggregation app.


3 responses

  1. Drogo Avatar

    Wow….The Traffic Calculator app is fantastic

    1. Drogo Avatar

      OMG….I mean tarrif

  2. nash Avatar

    nyc app…

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