How I got my number banned from WhatsApp

1314 bWhatsApp messages received

Whatsapp-Icon-Logo-297x300Yes, I once got my WhatsApp number banned. Right here in Zimbabwe!

When watching Fear Factor, 1000 ways to die or some other dare-devil movie, usually they state clearly: “don’t try this at home”. Somehow I didn’t take that to heed and went for a whole 6 months without being able to communicate with the world. The case of when I got banned from Facebook is for another article.

In February 2013, I entered into an agreement with the local Facebook page, Dembare DotComs, where I would sponsor some airtime in exchange for some branded posts. One of the posts included my WhatsApp number, that encouraged people to inbox me a certain keyword then I would share with them “the top 20 secrets that the networks DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW!!!

Dembare DotComs Facebook post
Dembare DotComs Facebook post advertising FREE tips
1314 bWhatsApp messages received
1314 messages received in just over 3.5 hours

The post was a hit, well beyond my expectations. I had over 1400 (one thousand four hundred responses) in the space of four hours! This was every marketers dream, a hungry following. People all wanted (and I guess still do) to know how they could save on their airtime.

Responding In my folly I tried to respond to each and every message. I had overlooked the fact that WhatsApp HATES adverts, and don’t want their platform to be used for such. That’s the simple reason why they’re charging $1 per year for their app. Though Facebook may make its money from advertising to people, WhatsApp founder Jan Koum keeps a note on his desk from co-founder Brian Acton that simply reads, “No Ads! No Games!”

I turned off my internet connection, to stop the influx of messages, and started to respond to people. It was a matter of copy and paste. Not too difficult I thought. Then this came up:

Number banned due to excessive WhatsApp messages
WhatsApp does ban numbers

A notification from WhatsApp that I am no longer allowed to use their service. I didn’t see this one coming. Tried what I may, it never worked. Turns out WhatsApp have a strict NO ADS policy. If you send 1000 contacts (or is it 500? I got conflicting numbers online) a message in a 24 hour period, YOU WILL GET BANNED!

That’s not to say those of you love birds that send back and forth messages will get banned, contrary. That’s sending to one contact. But if you try and send a message to 1000 of your customers (as a business) advising them of a sale that’s going on at your shop in uptown Harare, you will face the wrath of the instant messaging platform. They have it in their FAQ’s and in no way are they apologetic about it.

So for those of you that intend to use the service for business, be warned. I did manage to get back online, but this was only after 6 months or so, when WhatsApp upgraded and prompted everyone to download their new version. Not worth the risk I would advise. Use other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube to market to your customers. Have a blog too.

But for now, stay away from bulk messaging WhatsApp contacts or even trying to use services such as WhatsAPI that claim to integrate with WhatsApp. You will get your number banned!


133 responses

  1.  Avatar

    i wonder if u had tried to update or unistal whatsapp if u would still have been blocked. hilarious story. and the moral of the story is …… . . . . . . . .dont use your personal number for marketing on whatsapp get one of those pre-registered ones lol

    1. William Chui Avatar

      I did try to delete it and reinstall, same thing!!!

      Yes, lesson learnt, don’t use your personal number for business!!!

      1. mirza hamz Avatar
        mirza hamz

        please help me my whatsapp number is banned +923036071702

        1.  Avatar

          Evn im banned pls help me out

        2.  Avatar

          Loda pakada mera v banned Ho gya he

        3.  Avatar

          03036071702 waly bahi apka no abhi bhi banned hy kia???????

      2. SIRILRAJ Avatar

        my mobile number banned +97339518073

      3.  Avatar

        Please help me my phone number is banned please help and
        And my number +918858883995

    2. Adeel Inayat Ali Avatar
      Adeel Inayat Ali

      Dear Users:

      Forward as received to your all friends If you can face any kind of problems regarding WhatsApp, Facebook, Twittter, Skype, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Messanger, Imo, VChat, Google Account, So Please Do Call Or WhatsApp Me Any Time I Can Give You A Solution For All Of This Problems Ok 🙂

      Thanks And Regards:
      Support Team
      Adeel Inayat Ali

      1. costa Avatar

        My number is no longer allowed to use whatsapp n this happened when I switched my data off the hole day and tried to login .please help ASAP!!!been trying to download it I figured its just a waste!!

        1. lily Avatar

          My whatsaaps number 84-986-725-562 banned. I send a lots of email to whatsapp support but no feedback. hope you help me in this case. Tks guys!

          1. sakkir Avatar

            Ur whatsapp ready now…
            my whatsapp banned

            1. Francis Avatar

              Please help me my number is banned from using wastapp +263771365820 now l have no option please

          2. bhawna Avatar

            My no. Is banned from whatsapp how can i use again my no.

          3. bhawna Avatar

            My no. 7042894848 Is banned from whatsapp how can i use again my no.

            1. Sweeyy Avatar

              My no. Is vry vry important n i dont wan to change it . But itz banned for watsup. N itz vry urgent n important to again connect watsup plz help me…. how can i start again watsup????rply me plz….

      2. mithun Avatar

        my numbr 9496141099, is banned, pls help me to use

      3. hakeem owokunle Avatar
        hakeem owokunle

        pls my bro my number 2348161811130 has been banned on whatsapp for days now,pls help me resolve it or give me clue to go by it. that is my e-mail

      4. sk habib Avatar
        sk habib

        My number now band. .so how can i open it. .Plz help me

      5. anitha Avatar

        I have been banned from using whatsapp . Please reactivate my account please

  2. ic0n1c Avatar

    Lol William! But we still need ur app number! What do we do lol?

  3. William Chui Avatar

    I’m back on it now. Send me a smoke signal and we’ll take it from there.

    1. Farai Avatar

      How about writing those 20 secrets here on Techzim for some of us to read?

      1. William Chui Avatar

        Some of the items are no longer relevant, but will look into it.

        1. prince Avatar

          why i m seen this message your phone number is not allowed to use our service ….How to solve this problem

          1. amrish singh Avatar
            amrish singh

            my whatsapp no longer allowed sarvice my numbar 9685727372

          2. Adeel Inayat Ali Avatar
            Adeel Inayat Ali

            Dear Users:

            Forward as received to your all friends If you can face any kind of problems regarding WhatsApp, Facebook, Twittter, Skype, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Messanger, Imo, VChat, Google Account, So Please Do Call Or WhatsApp Me Any Time I Can Give You A Solution For All Of This Problems Ok 🙂

            Thanks And Regards:
            Support Team
            Adeel Inayat Ali

            1. ahmed Avatar

              i called u on your number u dont answer me

        2.  Avatar

          my whtsapp number is banned +923036071702 please help me

          1. raj Avatar

            aapka whatsap number ab bhi hai kya benned

        3. Clark Avatar

          I have been banned man i need your advice.Please email me at

      2.  Avatar


    2. kelechi Avatar

      my number 07030806429 is permanently banned from using whatsapp since 1week now. wt do I do??!

  4.  Avatar

    Recently certified as the ONLY Online Marketing Certified Professional (OMCP) in Content Marketing in Zimbabwe – Can you prove this

    1. William Chui Avatar

      There you go ‘Anonymous’:
      If you know of any other, please share

  5.  Avatar

    Recently certified as the ONLY Online Marketing Certified Professional (OMCP) in Content Marketing in Zimbabwe – FOR REAL ?

    1. William Chui Avatar

      Yes, for real.

      I don’t know of any other at the moment, if you do please share so that I can update it to “the first OMCP certified Content Marketer” 🙂

  6. Khal Drogo Avatar
    Khal Drogo

    When my whatsapp number +263 771 416 730 was de-activated, I wrote to Jan Koum and ask him to kindly activate it and I promise that time to abide with the Terms and conditions of
    WhatsApp. Jan responded quickly and activate it.Try if you think I’m telling a fib.

    1. William Chui Avatar

      Thanks Khal,
      I hope never find myself in such a position again, but appreciate the tip.

    2.  Avatar

      Khal Drogo, I emailed to but he don’t want to help and starting to ignore me. Can you please get him to help? Thank you.

      1. ZeroHart Avatar

        Well I finally was able to transfer my phone number to whatsapp, I started sending a message to my family that I had a new number. I am on the 15 message and I got banned… I tried contacting support but never got an answer the worst part is. I use whatsapp to keep in touch with my family and specially my son since I moved abroad.
        I am also in several groups, one with the school teachers, one with my son’s psychologist one with my family etcetera.
        I emailed Jan but never got a response 🙁

  7. Rajan sharma Avatar
    Rajan sharma

    Yu yu mie yag

  8. Bruce Mubayiwa Avatar

    Sorry things did not work out for you William. You were really getting some good traction with all those conversations on WhatsApp. Have you considered using another platform like Viber? Thanks again for sharing your experiences. We learn from one another. I would encourage to try and connect with your contacts on another platform like Linkedln, maybe build a group there with the same interest and continue the conversation.

    1. William Chui Avatar

      Hi there Bruce,
      Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately, the usage of LinkedIn is just not that appealing here. WhatsApp and Facebook are undoubtedly the most used services here in Zimbabwe (quite evident by the WhatsApp and Facebook bundles that the networks have launched). It has gotten to the extent (I think internationally as well) that when users are seeking a new device they enquire whether it is “WhatsApp compatible”. No one locally loses sleep about LinkedIn, whether their device can access it or if the service ever goes done.

      WeChat is no where close either.

  9. Comfort Avatar

    Thank u bro William.i hev bn greatly helped

    1. William Chui Avatar

      Thank you Comfort for reading and sharing.

    1. William Chui Avatar

      Well done Tanaka. Glad to know that you’ve taken this step.

      As it stands I am still the FIRST OMCP qualified CONTENT MARKETER as I notice that you’re certified in Web Analytics and Conversion.

  10. Faisal Avatar


    Regarding the Banned number , How can I Activated Back ,
    I lost it in less thank 24hrs, by sending too many messages !

    Your reply is Higly Appreciated



    1. William Chui Avatar

      Hi Faisal,
      Sorry to read of your troubles. For me I had to wait a long period from the platform and I think maybe when there is an update of the app will you be allowed back on. There were no clear steps that I took to get back on, but I just left it to time….

      Unfortunately, I can not give you any tips or tricks on how to get your number reactivated on WhatsApp (at the moment)

      1. sakkir Avatar

        Hii..pls help me
        My whtsapp banned …
        What do next..
        Pls help me

  11. Ronald Avatar

    I had my number blocked late night, for sending multiple messages.

    How do I get it activated? or I just have to wait until there is an upgrade available?

    Didn’t see this one coming!!

  12. Dee Avatar

    Does one get banned by whatsapp for sending multiple messages in a group or broadcast? Is any form of advertising forbidden by whatsapp or it should be done moderately? If its illegal then im guilty ^^

    1. William Chui Avatar

      Hi Dee,

      It would seem that this is targeted at direct messages to other contacts and not group messages. Remember a group is currently limited to 50 contacts. WhatsApp has changed the way ‘Broadcast’ works, where you can not broadcast messages to people who have not saved your number in their contacts list! So this kinda makes it hard.

      1. sakkir Avatar

        Hi sir
        Pls send ur number…

  13. steven murimba Avatar
    steven murimba

    thanx so much William, your article on banned numbers has shed some puzzled still by the fact that i didnt send multiple ads yet i got banned on my old number.what is even more puzzling is i bought a line and it was blocked within hours of using it so if they dont allow multiple texting hw does that apply in the case of a new sim card. however did not need to wait for an upgrade version of whatsapp i changed networks from econet to telecel and succesfully back on whatsapp.hope my victory lasts lol.

    I am interested in this airtime saving scheme hw do i benefit and keep in touch with you for details.

    Thanx.your page is awesome.mukuziva boss


  14. Pradip Avatar

    Dear sir my whatsapp no +919898334242 disabled number is no longer allowed use what I do start my whatsapp number plz help me

    1. Fahad Avatar

      Hello sir..
      my whats longer allowed .how can avoid this problem.this is my important number.pls help me sir +91 9566854124

      1. Thabo Avatar

        Pleasae help me my nu number no longer allowed user our service

  15. Fortune tanyanyiwa Avatar


  16. shreyansh Avatar

    hey ! I had my number blocked in the morning , for sending unfault messages
    How do I get it activated ? please help me !

  17. shreyansh Avatar

    please help me my email id is please please pleasee help me !!

  18. sanjay Avatar

    Dear sir my whatsapp no +91 9687608785 disabled number is no longer allowed use what I do start my whatsapp number plz help me

  19. I'm naeem khan Avatar
    I’m naeem khan

    Der sar
    My WhatsApp account is banned
    May no. 9892381492
    Please help

    1. Ashiely Avatar

      My number is blocked 0734809797

  20. kishore Avatar

    Dear sir
    my whatsapp no
    +919886618511 is no
    longer allowed use from past 2months i am sorry i voilated the rules and i promise i will never repeat it same please help me sir
    thanking you

  21.  Avatar

    How do i know tt a new version of whatsapp has been added ,,after being banned

  22. sadiqali Avatar

    Hello sir..
    my whats longer allowed .ho can avoid this problem.this is my important number.pls help me sir 9747080243

  23. paresh chimlani Avatar
    paresh chimlani

    my phone number is no longer allowed to use our service plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    some one help

    i am nt able to use my whataapp account

  24. ahmad Avatar

    hi mh nb 0096170821458 my nb is no longer to use our service

  25. D s solanki Avatar

    Dear sir my whatsapp no +919752220468 disabled number is no longer allowed use what I do start my whatsapp number plz help me –

  26. Vishal Vora Avatar
    Vishal Vora

    I havent done any marketing and i am a normal user of whatsapp wid 3 groups and some direct contact …. i dont understand why am i blocked …i did the faq and terms and conditions ….i didnt do anything wrong why am i banned …..

  27. amar Avatar

    I want to send bulk sms with whasapp without banned from whatsapp
    Is there any way??

    1. Bin Avatar

      Hi amar. Contact me on skype projecte120_1

  28. dhiraj pagar Avatar
    dhiraj pagar

    my nber is banned fr 3days plz help me sir…

  29. Vikas Sharma Avatar
    Vikas Sharma

    Dear sir my whatsapp no +91 9891623455 disabled number is no longer allowed use what I do start my whatsapp number plz help me to restart it pls sir –

  30. Vikas Sharma Avatar
    Vikas Sharma

    Dear sir
    My whatsapp no +91-9891623455 banned number is no longer allowed use what I do start my whatsapp number plz help me to restart it pls sir –

  31. Tb Avatar

    Whatsapp has been of great help, but the founder should tell us the limits of the message per day as notification.

  32. vhora nadim Avatar
    vhora nadim

    My whatsapp no +91-9033681217 banned number is no longer allowed use what I do start my whatsapp number plz help me to restart it pls sir –

  33. vhora nadim Avatar
    vhora nadim

    My whatsapp no +91-9891623455 banned number is no longer allowed use what I do start my whatsapp number plz help me to restart it plz sir 72 hours banned plz help me

  34. vhora nadim Avatar
    vhora nadim

    My whatsapp no +91-9033681217 banned number is no longer allowed use what I do start my whatsapp number plz help me to restart it pls sir 72 hours banned help me sir plz plz plz

  35. joseph Avatar

    my number banned from whatsapp. help me resume my no again plz

    1. joseph Avatar

      my number blocked from whatsapp plz need ua help to retrieve it back( +254710254150)

  36. Jaco Avatar

    Hi there im from South Africa and the same thing also happened to me. I got my number baned from whatsapp. The only reason I can think of is that Vodacom suspend my line for a few weeks for falling behind on my subscription monthly. so what I did is I connected my iphone5s wifi with my mothers iphone4s personal hotspt and so doing it that way I could stil send messenges over my whatsapp although Vodacom has suspended my line. so can you also please help me to get my whatsapp re instated pls. my phone number is +27 82 5069170. This time I wil be more carefull to overstep the terms and conditions of whatsapp.

  37. monu sharma Avatar


  38. Appu bharath Avatar
    Appu bharath

    Hai am appu my number is banned so give me salution for that

  39. mehul Avatar

    My phone number is + 91 9904587117 is no longer allowed to use our service

  40.  Avatar

    It looks like quite a few +91 numbers have been banned…. Up to no good hey? You only get banned for doing something illegal. Stop and it will not happen.

  41. guddu Avatar

    sir my number is+91 7654500500 is no longer allowed whatsapp service plz help me

  42. Biki Avatar

    Sir my number is +918486980481 is no longer allowed what’sapp service …pls help me

  43. rehman Avatar

    Sir my number 03447517033 my number is not allowd to use over wats app sevic plz help me im vary sad

  44. Bhagirath meghwal Avatar
    Bhagirath meghwal

    Sir my mobile number 9772711780 is no longer allowed to use this service, so sir please help me and became my number active

  45. rehman Avatar

    Dear sir my no no allowed to use our services 3447517033 plz help me

  46. Vincent meli Avatar
    Vincent meli

    please enable my nurmber +254713084463use your service

  47. Umesh Singh Avatar
    Umesh Singh

    My WhatsApp no 9525304050 is not longer allowed to use our please help me to active my account.

  48. Jetmalsingh Avatar

    Your phone number is banned from using whatsapp contact support for help.

  49. udit Avatar

    hi i have been banned from whats app for sending msg to multiple people Im not aware of there policy so i request to help me to get my account back its showing msg you no longer available to use over services my contact no 9953438688 and email id udit.kath@g,

  50. praveen tyagi Avatar
    praveen tyagi

    My phone number 9599511404 is no longer allowed to use our service

  51.  Avatar

    Hi my no is also banned.same prob.n I want to activate it.plz help +9799092205 has been banned..

  52. alex Avatar

    hey. my no is banned no longer use our service In what’s app. can u tell me solution.

  53. alex Avatar

    Hey, my no shows me no longer use service in whatsapp. can u give me solution and help out me.

  54. sahib singh Avatar
    sahib singh

    sir my whatsapp show me no longer allowed to use our service plz help me sir

    1. jafar Avatar

      8095484660 1 month this number plz halp me

  55. iftikhar ali Avatar
    iftikhar ali

    have you read our FAQ yet?
    you help tell please ….my +923224010083

  56. iftikhar ali Avatar
    iftikhar ali

    have you read our FAQ yet?
    my yes problem you help please …

  57. Chris Avatar


  58. Inqilab Avatar

    i can not register my number: nomre in whatsapp app says that my number is bloced contact with support.please help me. 1 number +9944552793217 and 2 numer +994507832393

  59. ajay Avatar


  60. SB Avatar

    Guys please help me out,my number is being banned from whatsapp, please guys help me

  61. whatapps suxk Avatar
    whatapps suxk

    my number got banned from using whatapps service , its kinda stupid annoying , any trick that can resolve this .. help me plz

  62. shakeer Avatar

    please help me my whatsapp number is banned’s still persist my bann after one week..I have send many e-mail. To whatsap support.but nothing response

  63. Lily Avatar

    Hi guys
    My whatsapp number is banned . Please help me. I try contact support of whatsaap but no one reply me. How can I do? Tks

  64. khush urf deepak kalwani Avatar
    khush urf deepak kalwani

    hello sir please help my matter my case is whatsapp number is banned and ineed again my same number on whatsapp +918764400228

  65. Tejash Avatar

    my whatsapp phone number is banned.

    last 2 days not opening whatsapp. please solution
    my number is +91 9033773017

  66. riaan Avatar

    My nr +27810410258 was banned..i asked for information why I was banned.first just a msg. Bout t&c then that Some1 complained,,,so they say….who..why? No answers. So if I dont like some1 I can easely let them get banned??? Luckely I still. Have bbm…

  67. Surender Avatar

    My number +91 7207687430 is banned without any reason or without sending any warning msgs to me
    My number is very important to me
    Pls help me to unbanned my number asap
    Thanks in advance

  68. hriday singh Avatar
    hriday singh

    i have been banned from whats app for sending msg to multiple people Im not aware of there policy so i request to help me to get my account back its showing msg you no longer available to use over services my contact no9702312297 14days gone

  69. harish Avatar

    Please please help me my whatsapp number is banned +918015718865…please help me…

  70. kelechi Avatar

    pls I can’t b able 2 use mi number for whatsapp.
    07030806429. pls help unban mi

  71. Shavargo Miller Avatar
    Shavargo Miller

    Plz help me i get banned dis my num 2424481519

  72. kelechi Avatar

    my number 07030806429 is permanently banned from using whatsapp since 1week now. wt do I do?? pls I need 2 start using mi whatsapp back pls help mi unban mi

  73. fazilah Avatar

    Can you help me pleaseee… my whatsapp number is banned +1516474493, my email is

    1. fazilah Avatar

      oopps… +15164474493

  74. fazilah Avatar

    Can you help me pleaseee… my whatsapp number is banned +15164474493, my email is

  75. mohammed Avatar

    just install champcash in your andruid phone put my refar id 176549 and earn unlimetet

  76. Akhilesh Chaudhary Avatar
    Akhilesh Chaudhary

    Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help meeeeeeee
    My phone number is banned please solve problem
    My number +91 8858883995 please help me

  77. Akhilesh Chaudhary Avatar
    Akhilesh Chaudhary

    I want your help please help me
    My number is banned
    My mail –

  78.  Avatar


  79. Richard Yeo Avatar
    Richard Yeo

    How long does Whatapps remove the banned, I have been waiting for 7 day already !!!

  80. AkASH RAJPOOT Avatar

    Plz help me
    My phone number is banned please solve problem
    My number +91 9761009494 please help me

  81. Leopard Nasir Avatar
    Leopard Nasir

    Please help me my phone number is banned please help and
    And my number +923150238600

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