Weekly Podcast : TelOne price reductions, TeleCash Gold Card, a look at 3 Startups

In this podcast we discuss Emergency 24/7 App, TV YANGU and Zimbo Shopper; three startups that are making headway in the Zimbabwean and African market. We also look at the recent ADSL price reductions and data cap adjustments from TelOne and the new TeleCash Gold Card. Other topics are the “loading” of WhatsApp on your phone that is offered at a premium on the streets of Harare, The latest Telecoms sector report from POTRAZ  and the newly launched SMS based EconetHealth EcoHealth Tips service. 

We welcome any comments regarding the topics discussed and any feedback regarding the podcast itself.

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One response

  1. John Snow

    “I hate to play devil’s advocate…sorry MNO’s advocate”…..LOL

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