Welcome to 2012, Apple

Recently, I was looking for as many NFC capable devices as possible to pair with an audio system just for cheap geek thrills. Having noticed a young man carrying a tablet I politely asked if his device was an NFC capable android. It was an iPad he proudly pronounced (but more like scoffed) that Apple Devices can do everything that Androids can. I tried to let him down easy and told him that no Apple does NOT have Near Field Communication Technology …

At that moment, had he been wearing gloves, he probably would have taken them off, slapped me in the face and challenged me to a duel to the death at high noon!

Luckily he did not have gloves and instead told me that he is going to the nearest internet café to download this “NFC app” and will come right back to test my system while I eat humble pie.

Needless to say that is the last I saw of him, but with the latest iPhone 6 & iPhoneNote6 Plus announcement, he may just comeback because finally NFC has been deemed worthy of recognition. Near Field Communication Technology is pretty much similar to Bluetooth but the connection between devices is established by touching the two devices unlike the pairing process we are used to. I have had NFC capable androids since I bought my Samsung Galaxy Nexus way back in 2012. I repeat 2012 A.D. That almost 3 years ago, decades in technological terms.

I can hear it now… all the iOS fanboys crying out…

Apple does not need to be at the forefront…

Apple will never release anything that is less than perfect…

 Apple has the “discipline of sacrifice”and will ease you into it nice and slow…

Big phones are ridiculous…

All valid points if you are into buying old tech like it is an antique, but for the prices they charge and numbers they move? I feel they have another reason for the slow advancements. They know that for the most part technology is plateauing. Innovating has never really been their thing and they just want to make sure they have enough stuff to tide them over to the next great leap. It is good business and it will make them truckloads of money. We saw this kind of leaking out technology in drips and drabs with Nokia back in the day and look where it got them.

I have nothing personal against Apple. They are definitely good at making solid products but would it kill them to push the envelope a little more. It is so hard to watch the dedicated fans year after year eagerly waiting for September and then trying to play down their disappointment while they zealously defend the brand with a dedication you only see in cults. It is cruel and unusual punishment Apple! Stop leaving  your loyal customers so open to the merciless attack and ridicule of Android fans!

Get your game face back on!

As we start the waiting game for next September Ron Amateo sums up perfectly what I think of the new iPhone6




  1. Jack Siziba

    Very true!

  2. Not Steve

    Hi, Rejoice.

    nothing you say bears meaning to what lies under the surface. A lot has been going on over the past few years and I think you were living under a rock. So, allow me to say…welcome to 2014 (and the real world)

    1. @n0n

      No one denies this you know, even Apple.

      Dont get emotional.

      1. Not Steve

        Your post is just an anecdote bearing no meaning, it’s bland. How about you add something factual to the convo?

        1. @n0n

          Not as shallow as your comment. Pot calling the kettle black? You’re the one sticking your head in the sand.
          Sticking to facts, Apple was slow in adopting things Samsung and others did… they were more consumer driven than Apple had become, something they admitted and have conceded to. Even producing, relatively very cheap phones.

          1. Not Steve

            You don’t just go out and claim that people are emotional junior.

            See, now we’re talking. Now, how about you cite your claim because the last time I checked Tim Cook actually said they could have made large smartphones or use NFC long before (source: last night’s interview with Charlie Rose)

            Second. Samsung and LG are the ones that actually admitted that they NEED Apple. Link;

            ( http://iphone.appleinsider.com/articles/14/09/05/sight_unseen_apples_competitors_expect_iwatch_to_help_establish_wearable_computing_market.html )

          2. Not Steve

            You don’t just go out and claim that people are emotional junior.

            See, now we’re talking. Now, how about you cite your claim because the last time I checked Tim Cook actually said they could have made large smartphones or use NFC long before (source: last night’s interview with Charlie Rose)

            Second. Samsung and LG are the ones that actually admitted that they NEED Apple. Link;

            ( http://iphone.appleinsider.com/articles/14/09/05/sight_unseen_apples_competitors_expect_iwatch_to_help_establish_wearable_computing_market.html )…

        2. kilotango

          mate, just relax. the fact is (regardless of android or iOS), samsung and other manufactures were faster to bring new relevant tech to devices much earlier than apple did. if you like apple hardware thats cool, but the fact is apple at one stage had a direction that steve jobs wanted to take the company to. that is no longer the case, and apple are not just playing catchup to everyone else. that is the bottom line here.

          1. kilotango

            mate, just relax. the fact is (regardless of android or iOS), samsung and other manufactures were faster to bring new relevant tech to devices much earlier than apple did. if you like apple hardware thats cool, but the fact is apple at one stage had a direction that steve jobs wanted to take the company to. that is no longer the case, and apple are now just playing catchup to everyone else. that is the bottom line here.

  3. Ash

    I like you Rejoice lol you made my sunday,Anyways ………. i like Apple, but i have to admit, they sometimes are too stuck up, but one thing you cannot beat them is the IOS and hardware integration, its near perfect, thereby enabling them, to keep the specs lower, and update most of their devices to the latest OS. which cannot be said for Droid.

    1. Juju Man

      Android has options for everyone!
      If you need an update ASAP, get a Nexus or other (near) stock phones
      If you don’t care about updates, get any other android.

      When you buy an android, you are not buying all of them 🙂 so you buy the one that suits your needs.

  4. Not Steve

    Definition of “cult”

    “a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. “a network of Satan-worshiping cults” synonyms: sect, denomination, group, movement, church, persuasion, body, faction “a religious cult”

    Last time I checked people aren’t devoting themselves heart and soul to the way of Apple. All people are doing is buying products they like. Apple is just #1 when it comes to brand loyalty.

    People don’t think twice about buying their preferred drink/soda all the time or shopping at a certain grocery story for 20 years.

    Apple has simply gained the trust of millions that when they buy an Apple product they won’t regret it. This comes from having they best customer service experience in the world.

    So please stop projecting your insecurities on everyone cuz not everyone wants plastic. (oh, I guess you should write about welcoming Samsung to 2011, they just started making metal phones 🙂 )

    1. Andropple

      Cult of Mac, PC Master Race, Droidheads… believe me, you will find cultish tendencies in every camp! We are talking beyond simple preference, some people define their lives by this stuff. http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=consumer+fanaticism&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C5
      At least it makes for entertaining comment sections!

  5. Anonymous

    Can we have a more meaningful article about Astro or GTel please – instead of just meaningless apple hate which is neither here nor there in the zim context!

  6. collen

    apple never marketed those specs you listed anyway. mr editor please balance this in your story
    iphone 4 which was launched in 2010 for years ago have 330 ppi pixel density vs 318 ppi pixel density of Nexus 4 plus retina display. iphone which was launched 2years before Nexus 4 have a better screen. Iphone 6 its now ahead of most of android phones cz of its RETINA HD DISPLAY. its not about 760p resolution its about the quality that comes out of the screen

    NFC apple is doing secure payments with fingerprint approval

    why didnt you talk about 64bit processor , air play, apple pay, airdrop etc 🙁 🙁

  7. REWMO

    apple used to get its screens from Samsung so stop saying they are better. android and windows support multiple devices. hw hard wld it be to program for only one device?

    1. collen

      apple does not manufacture screens thats y they subcontract, but you have to admit that iphone does beta on display than most of those Samsung fones.

      Samsung its the biggest chip manufacture , but that does not make you say we manufactured all the devices in the world
      64bit its was not innovation, but bring a 64bit tech on a fone its called ‘new technology’ in engineering. new technology does not mean that the technology was not around, it was around but not used in that field.

  8. REWMO

    64 bit aint really innovation. its something that has always been there. it was just a matter of time until oems started using them in mobile phones mostly to address the memory hunger issue.

  9. Anonymous

    I didn’t know people who support plastic phones also have plastic brains.

  10. Kedo

    samsung had nfc before apple but it is apple who brought nfc when they where ready to offer something really useful for nfc to be utilized for in apple’s case nfc enabled payments with the major card companues (visa, mastercard) onborad. whats the use of having a feature in a phone when u cant use it for anything in the case of samsung nfc. how many people have made payments using samsung nfc. i see no use of jam packing a phone with features i cant use. nfc payments are going to go mainstream ecause apple has introdiced nfc payments on the iphone. apple where not the first to introduce small multimedia devices in the form of the ipod but they introduced ipods and made them mainstream but giving people a complete experience, they did the same thing with smartphones, finger print access control on phones and now they are doing it with the smartwatch and nfc payments. its all about the complete user experience or complete package. your article was good in bringing about debate but mainly because it was so shallow in facts and analysis.

    1. TK

      Spot on. Apple take their time and always deliver a quality product in the end. And when they deliver they give you features and functionality that you will actually use. Samsung always Jam packed with fancy tech that you get excited about but never use

  11. REWMO

    fingerprint started with Motorola. get your facts right. spme of us go for features. besides, I want a device that I cn expand its memory or change its battery anytime. besides. as far as premium materials go. the note 4 has the strongest screen on the market so far.

    1. Kedo

      i did not say finger print started with apple, i said after apple placed the feature on their phone with a good user experience. i.e easy to use that is when it became mainstream on all phones.

  12. REWMO

    stop hating. there is a reason why android is dominating. with 80% market share, I wonder what apple fanboys still see.

    1. Not Steve

      The reason you’re looking for is simple, Android has boatloads of cheap phones with dreadful user experiences.

  13. Anonymous

    If Americans support apple i understand it, maybe its patriotism, but when a Zimbabwean goes out of his way to defend a large corporation such as apple as if it were a member of his family n for a device that’s 2 yrs behind competition n offers no advantage over a significant number of androids phones especially this side of the planet, only bcoz people will think ur cool for owning an overpriced tech gadget with an apple logo at the back then u myt as well enjoy yo expensive toy, pun intended!

    1. Not Steve

      You should ask yourself why someone does even consider writing about it if it’s “exclusive” to Americans

    2. tinm@n

      Its called fanboism (e.g Not Steve)

      And what this article triggers is a flame war(Not Steve vs An0n vs Others).

      I own both phones. Each with merits of one over the other. But Apple has been a little slow. There is their famous “We Don’t Have What Consumers Want” internal presentation. That gave insight on the reflection they had of being rigid. They were the first but cant define the boundaries.

      At the end of the day, customers are happy. Apple is making money. Samsung is making money.


  14. j4me8

    apple is not the brand for Africa as clearly seen by its absence in the African market, thus i dont see the point of it being an advantage if it has new features as they are mainly there to benefit the other continents rather lets talk about things closer to home cauz most Zimbabweans buy Android…………

  15. Not Steve

    You don’t just go out and claim that people are emotional junior.

    See, now we’re talking. Now, how about you cite your claim because the last time I checked Tim Cook actually said they could have made large smartphones or use NFC long before (source: last night’s interview with Charlie Rose)

    Second. Samsung and LG are the ones that actually admitted that they NEED Apple. Link;

    ( http://iphone.appleinsider.com/articles/14/09/05/sight_unseen_apples_competitors_expect_iwatch_to_help_establish_wearable_computing_market.html )

  16. Candy

    I like NOT STEVE comments. It rilly shows the Apple marketing team is doing a great job. It is every marketers dream to build a million LOYAL customers like NOT STEVE and you know you are certain to survive in the market. hhahahahahahahaha

  17. Kudzi

    the astro V2 has NFC

  18. TK

    How many of you who attack apple religiously have actually used the device? Am not trying to attack or diss anyone here just asking. It seems most just hate the brand because of the pricing compared to Samsung and other android phones. But like a I said in an earlier comment apple take their time and always deliver a quality product in the end. And when they deliver they give you features and functionality that you will actually use. Samsung always Jam packed with fancy tech that you get excited about but never use –

  19. Dusty

    The battle between iphone and Samsung is never going to end anytime soon. If one has used both of these phones then they are in a better position to comment. I have used both phones and I will tell you that difference between the two and it becomes an issue of taste. Samsung phones have a problem of freezing and overheating, sometimes you have to pull-out the battery whilst Apple has no such issues. Touch response is very good on Apple because it uses an additional graphics processor that is maximised by software whilst Samsung has a graphics processor but has limitations within android OS. Apple is using 64bit dual-core whilst Samsung is using 32bit quad core and in this instance they cancel out each other. Benchmark results show that they is little difference. Traditionally apple products with 1x specs produce enough fire power to compete with 2x specs and the secret is hardware maximisation which most companies cannot do well. Apple has great engineers (hardware and software) and they link very well to produce finer products. Most tech companies create software or hardware but cant maximise the other and Apple knows that.

    1. Dusty

      ** I have used both phones and I will tell you that difference between the two and it becomes an issue of taste. ** I have used both phones and I will tell you that they is no difference between the two and this becomes an issue of taste (preferences).

  20. REWMO

    its better to have and not need than to need and not have.

  21. REWMO

    by the way, ios does not multitask so obviously the processor wont br doing much work. thats y stupid people perceive it as being fast.

  22. Anonymous

    Dusty the 64 bit architecture’s only advantage over the 32 bit is that it allows n maximises the use of more ram which necessarily doesn’t improve apple devices’ speed significantly coz the size of ram still is a bottleneck. About touch response, i don’t know which android devices u were using coz if u ever used any android flagship since 2012 u would have realised its no longer an issue. Samsung flagships now even allows u to use them whilst wearing gloves if u didn’t know.

  23. Kurai

    Please read this article for insights into how the complete package of nfc payments by apple is going to shake the mobile payments sector. http://mg.co.za/article/2014-09-15-forget-the-watch-apple-pay-is-the-real-game-changer

    Apple Pay uses a combination of near field communication (NFC) to connect to point-of-sale devices and Apple’s patented fingerprint reader (Touch ID) to authenticate payments. There are no signatures or PIN codes. No one else can use your phone to make a payment, short of cutting off one of your fingers

    Apple Pay, is a service, and one with global potential. It allows iPhone owners to pay for purchases in physical shops without swiping (or even carrying) credit cards. They simply “swipe” their phone at the till, touch the built-in fingerprint sensor on their phone and voila, payment done.

  24. Anonymous

    Kurai wake me up when u can use that function in zim!

  25. REWMO

    @Anonymous, you seem to understand computers better than yhese fanboys. keep that up. @kurai, the touch id senso is easy to manipulate. it was hacked just a few hours after its release.

  26. REWMO

    @Anonymous, you seem to understand computers better than yhese fanboys. keep that up. @kurai, the touch id sensor is easy to manipulate. it was hacked just a few hours after its release.

  27. j4me8

    i don’t think its safe if it can be hacked then y risk it……..i will give credit to apple for making a solid and well made product the competition can surely learn from that… and the hordes of fans are testament to this fact and i mean loyal fans

  28. REWMO

    please read the news. a lot of celebrities had their naked photos shown around the internet after icloud was hacked last week.

  29. kundai

    There is no reason to buy this phone. Apple have once again copied and marketing it as new.

    Apple Pay? NFC

    RetinaHD? Its a normal 1080p panel, something Android and WP had before iOS.

    Phones bigger than 4″? Had them for a long time

    value for money :/ nope

    802.11ac and LTE 150? Android also had this for a while

    WiFi calling? Yep, Android.

    iCloud Drive? Google Drive/OneDrive

    HealthKit? Samsung LifeCare

    Third Party Keyboards? Android

    Text Message support in iMessage? Hangouts

    Reasons to buy the new iPhone? Zero.
    in terms of innovation iphone has failed its loyal consumers it has never actually been up to date with the trend in terms of design or functionality. why people have overrated iphone and ios is beyond me.

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