Facebook financial results at a glance: it’s all about ad revenue and mobile

Facebook Yesterday Facebook reported financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2014. The figures posted by the social media giant showed a strong performance across several areas despite losses from its IM acquisition WhatsApp.

Revenue for the third quarter came to $3.2 billion which was a 59% increase from last year. Advertising revenue was a cool $2.96 billion with 66% of this coming from mobile advertising. On mobile alone this was an increase from the 49% contribution to advertising revenue recorded in the third quarter of 2013. That’s not bad for a product that was only introduced in 2012.

These results are nothing short of impressive. Despite the loss incurred from a yet to be lucrative acquisition WhatsApp, the Facebook team appears to be figuring out how to make money from the 1.35 billion Facebook population.

A lot of ideas being explored and implemented incrementally like video advertising and the experimental buy button all seem to indicate an even brighter future for The Social Network.

One obvious indicator from these results is the importance of all things mobile. Facebook has managed to draw a lot of revenue from advertising that is mobile specific, and as a leader in trends regarding digital communication, this is an affirmation of everyone’s belief in mobile as the centre for all marketing and communication.


5 responses

  1.  Avatar

    this indicates that since in Africa we are already mobile first a local implementation of a social network is worth a try. i believe it can really work

  2. Yeye Avatar

    AD REVENUE – Techzim knows ALL ABOUT THAT! 12 ads on the homepage, 10 ads on THIS PAGE. I know you need to make your money like anybody else but DAMN! At least make your blog a bit more worth the visit. The last few months it seems like you just sit and wait for things to happen and then post your take. You don’t seek out stories and trends anymore, but mari murikutsvaga nedemo with all these ads. COME ON GUYS – you used to be better than this. Technomag has far better content, its just a pity for them that they ALSO have the ugliest designed website in the history of the Internet!

    1. Joel Sibanda Avatar
      Joel Sibanda

      to compare technomag and techzim is plain dumb. technomag have a crappy site as u mention but they have crappy content, they dont even report on anything worthwhile, they are a bunch of amateurs. its like they are learning how to write. all they have is connections with government officials , their editor has won the ICT award 3 times in a row for writing crap, they cant even organize one tech even. its best as a job listing site

    2. aware Avatar

      “Technomag has far better content ” really? Please give links to specific articles because maybe you are referring to a different technomag, cause to be honest there is nothing worthwhile there!

  3. Khal Drogo Avatar
    Khal Drogo

    Any one with Zuckerberg english subtitle on recent China visit?

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