Getting the golden ticket for the new Gmail Inbox

image credit: mashable

I have an exceedingly messy email inbox!

There I have said it. I have 999+ unread emails that always hang in the corner of my eye as I read the one or two emails that I can read before the guilt gets too much and I have to close the app.

They say that admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Well an alternative way to remedy this particular malady is to install the new Google application called Inbox.

You may have noticed that many of Google applications have recently had a makeover in terms of look and feel themed Material Design for the Lollipop 5.0 OS.

You can best see this in the common apps like Hangouts (Formerly GTalk), Google+ and the Google Play Store. Inbox is a major refinement of the changes that the Gmail app introduced a while back when it debuted the different tabs for grouping your emails. You will either love it or hate it. I LOVE IT!

With the new Inbox for Google they have injected that concept with steroids  and drastically changed the way you read your emails incorporating aspects that already feature in Google Now and Keep, bundling your emails under subject titles and placing reminders and appointments right there in your inbox.

You can pin down emails to keep them in sight until you can deal with them or snooze reminders so you can deal with them or procrastinate! You can swipe away stuff you don’t need anymore.  This is so refreshing I am no longer mocked by my inbox. It literally took seconds to clear out years of unread mails.

Wait! Before you rush off to the App market to download, keep reading because this app for the time being is not for everyone. You can download and install it just fine but you will not activate it without a special invite.

The original invites were sent from Google by request but only a few got immediate replies many including myself were told to wait and I did just that, I sat around staring into my inbox, waiting. A few days ago the original invitees were given three golden tickets to invite friends like Willy Wonka from the Chocolate Factory.

This meant that all those people that had been impatiently brooding on social media wondering when their time will come suddenly turned rabid, begging and pleading for invites. The moderators on one forum banned all posts requesting invites, quickly took down contraband and threatened to block users but the requests just kept flowing.

I kept a keen eye out for offers and I got lucky. I was quick at the draw giving my email address to a blessed Indian chap so he could send me an invite before his post got taken down. He just put up a post offering to give two people invites and I got one.

Others have sold theirs on eBay and others are raffling the golden tickets to gain social media following. I posted a thank you message and suddenly I have messages pouring into my Hangout begging me to send them invites too but as it turns out invitees cannot invite just yet probably because that would be as good as opening the app up to the general public.

The app is comparable to the Mailbox App so if you do not have a golden ticket then maybe you can try out that while you wait out the official release of the Inbox

Did you get the invite and do you have any Golden tickets to give away? If not, what are you doing to get your invite? What are you impressions of the Inbox? 




  1. ic0n1c

    After you have said all that, can you please please give me an invite too!!! Lol…

    Hey, how is Inbox anyway? What does it do? I no longer rush for apps anymore due to my smartphone hiatus which will be ending preeeeeeeettty soon lol.. Give us a review @rjc.

    1. Rejoice Dube

      Inbox is a very different, it might not be for everybody or is more like an acquired taste. I have got the new official gmail app(I believe it rolled out with 5.0) which changed the look but kept the same usability. It looks lovely and does not rock the boat too much for people that do not like change and also might be a gentle nudge towards killing off Gmail or merging the two apps.
      Come back to smartphone ic0n1c… I cannot explain it you just have to see for yourself

  2. TK

    a video review would be great

    1. Rejoice Dube

      This is a video of the basic functions. Would have loved do one myself, maybe next time!

  3. Dee

    How does the new inbox affect the layout? It took me a while to get used to the tabs like ‘Primary, Updates, promotions’ etc and even took me more sorting my mail under relevant tabs. I wouldnt want to rush into a new inbox right now, unless if it comes with french fries 😀

  4. firedupsplit

    please give me

  5. LTE

    Gmail has always been a messy email facility, worse on web. Too many adverts and unsolicited mail. Too bad they have then introduced another me-too app. Now this one is meant to combine all your email accounts. One thing for sure is that Google sniffs your mail for targeted ads. I haven’t yet known how Google uses my email details to the extended of spamming my mailbox. In short whatever app Google introduces for mail, it will still be as ugly as their advertising policy. Take iOS mailbox for instance. The iCloud email is litter free, not much targeted ads and it is so clean. I know not much folks care about that but my biggest problem is a littered mailbox with more than 75% of emails pushed to it being spam! Eish! Nothing cool about that.

    1. Changa

      Blaz hamuzive zvamuri kutaura imi. 75% being spam? Kana muchi ita sign up all over the internet, you will get spam, regardless of the emai provider. Gmail gives you options to mark senders as spam, filters to automatically delete spam emails etc.

  6. Manoj

    please send me an invite

  7. Javier

    I would love an email invite please.. Have looked everywhere

  8. Khal Drogo

    Rejoice why not archive what you want to keep and delete the rest? I say this with the disclaimer that I have thousands of unread emails, most that I will never get around to reading and should just delete.

    1. Utsav

      It will be so nice of you if you can send me a invite for inbox.

    2. Rejoice Dube

      That is the beauty/wizardry of Inbox. I have meant for ages to get to archiving but when you go thru them one by one you get caught up and end up running out steam or procrastinating. archiving is one touch now… and so much easier to commit to if you do not see the content

      1. Khal Drogo

        The of beauty of Inbox is trivial even though I concur with you that the app makes life so much easier, I have been on Gmail for a few years now and all that time I have been thinking I needed to know how to make all unread mails tagged as read. It was with overwhelming wonder and joy when I read your article.

  9. Khal Drogo

    The of beauty of Inbox is trivial even though I concur with you that the app makes life so much easier, I have been on Gmail for a few years now and all that time I have been thinking I needed to know how to make all unread mails tagged as read. It was with overwhelming wonder and joy when I read your article.

  10. Anonymous

    Update: you only need to send an email to

  11. Anonymous

    Ooops I meant

  12. Nda

    please invite me ….

  13. Anonymous

    Please send me an invite thanks

  14. Ben

    Please also send me an invite:

  15. Jack Siziba

    I am still waiting for my invite………….

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