Powertel rebrands yet again with its Re-energised Campaign

Powertel Logo 2014
Powertel Logo 2014
The new Powertel Logo for the re-energised campaign

Local Internet Access Provider Powertel has just embarked on a new image campaign with a rebranding exercise that is meant to highlight its focus on innovation in the telecoms industry.

This rebranding comes about a year after the adoption of another corporate look that branded Powertel with a blue and yellow colour theme that was expressed boldly even in its corporate premises.

Perhaps this new/old/new branding has been carried out to draw the IAP image closer to its parent company ZESA Holdings

This time the IAP has blended the old with the new, keeping the blue colour from its most recent look and bringing back elements from its previous logo.

Powertel is keen on emphasising its product range which now includes VoIP, prepaid electricity and VPN standardisation. The IAP is also taking pride in its interconnection with other networks for calls, its 24 hour call centre and increased capacity.

However all of this is swimming in the face of maintaining customer loyalty following the move from unlimited internet service to a usage based system. Image doesn’t seem like a priority really.

Maintaining users will obviously be a bigger challenge in an aggressive internet services market that has seen providers like TelOne and Africom offer price reductions to lure clients and maintain subscriber loyalty.

The full press release from Powertel is available below

Powertel rebrands with its Re-energised Campaign



13 responses

  1. Wish I was that guy Avatar
    Wish I was that guy

    First time around, the re-brand was sorely needed, the second time around feels like masterful salesmanship on the agency’s part. If only someone would wikileak the rationale and presentation, I might learn a thing or two! Re-branding willy-nilly however just projects confusion and a belief in quick fixes that are only skin deep. They should have instead worked on building up that last identity into a true brand encompassing not just the look, but the customer experience right through to the company culture, products and services.

  2. Jack Siziba Avatar
    Jack Siziba

    A couple of days ago, they unveiled a very poor offering into the market that judging from comments here no one thought was in the least attractive. Now, they are re-branding? While customers are swearing to never ever use their service again , they have the time to be stuffing about with their logo. Look Busy Syndrome has taken over Powertel. At least the ship will look good while it sinks.

  3. fiend Avatar

    Someone in PowerTel is obviously benefiting. Has a branding company or an association with one and is repeatedly awarding him/herself the tender to rebrand.

    1. Yves Avatar

      “At least the ship will look good while it sinks.” hahaha good one

  4. macd chip Avatar
    macd chip

    Putting lipstics on a frog does not change the fact that its still a frog!!

    Why are they spending money on speculative gain instead of spending it on hardware upgrade and technical training which brings real change and tangeable results!!

    How much money are they spending on that silly not needed rebranding?

    My take is that someone in the company have realised that the company is going down quicker than expected and have decided to milk the last remaining money before all is gone.

  5. ADM Avatar

    When they re-branded last year, it was a major step forward in terms of look. Now they have just moved backwards – the yellow and blue logo is way better.

  6. Munyai Avatar

    Whats with Parastatals. That money should have gone to infrastructural development. Zita reakasviba kudhara unless if it was changing the name it would been better kwete

  7. So not PowerTel Avatar
    So not PowerTel

    In the meantime their VPN and Internet offerings are getting poorer by the day. Who would put up with such buffoonery. If an organisation has an identity crisis surely how are they going to even execute their mandate. These guys are losing relevance fast and they think some patched up image refresh will do them any good. Have poor branding all you like but if you deliver I will pay happily pay my money but waste our time and our subscriptions with such stupid moves and you will be confined to the dustbins of history.

  8. nyagwandy Avatar

    After All the sales efforts to penetrate the market, they come up with a stupid logo. Honestly , are you serious.just another parastatal!money making on the pretext of rebranding.Sink deeper-customers now on africom

  9. christopher Chris Avatar
    christopher Chris

    How do we reconcile this anomaly good people? A company rebrands and to cap it all their website is under construction. Have been trying to get to them through their website with no success. Anyone with their contact numbers please, especially the

    1. Jack Siziba Avatar
      Jack Siziba

      An ISP that cant keep their own website up. That’s a clear sign of how seriously they take their business. Do they have a CEO? And a board that the CEO reports to? Maybe Mr. Willard Nyagwande can take the time to respond to our concerns. Being a Parastatal means they are effectively owned by Zimbabwean tax-payers, us.

  10. Candy Avatar

    From what i know, this company rebranded a few months down the line. It seems there is confusion. Is the marketing team really knows what they want because its clear they are marred by inconsistencies. Why waisting companies money on rebranding again and again.

  11.  Avatar

    The rebrand was not even necessary

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