Locally produced but well produced: Here’s the latest monthly Comexposed show

Sometimes, when you find you don’t read, watch or listen much to local content anymore, you start thinking maybe you just don’t like local stuff. And you hang your head in shame, because how are we supposed to grow if we’re not consuming each other’s content? Then a show like Comexposed comes along, and after watching a whole 16 minutes of an episode, you realise how hungry you are for local content executed well.

I’m a big fan of what is probably the best locally produced YouTube show right now. Here’s the latest episode of the the monthly Comexposed show:


12 responses

  1. magecom company Avatar

    I’m happy to live in the region where I follow local shows, country level shows and international. Today technology allows everyone to realize his potential investing much less money. For journalists this is a great age. Everyone who deserves to be noticed will be noticed.

  2. Don Avatar

    Thanks for the post L.S.M. but i kind of dont like the first part of the heading. Locally produced but well produced. Its the word BUT which i think gives a wrong tone to the title. The fact that we have a lot of mediocre local productions doesn’t mean we must expect and accept it to be always so. I’d prefer Locally produced AND well produced. Just my two cents.

    1. Chris Avatar

      Don you so right… LSM should have stood guard and taken audit of his stereotype subconscious before writing. Many of us are very good with what we do. Get used to it LSM

    2. L.S.M Kabweza Avatar

      The fact that we have a lot of mediocre local productions doesn’t mean we must expect and accept it to be always so.

      No, not accepting. There’s some good stuff around: Nafuna, P.O. Box etc… but they are a handful so because of that they stand out. Which is why there’s a “but”. Where the majority are doing lacklustre stuff, the few that don’t follow that trend are an exception and therefore but.

      I only say this to clarify what I meant and not to justify the use of the word “but”. I’m far from mastering English.

      1. Don Avatar

        No big deal , Its still a good article.

      2. Chris Avatar

        Good return swing…lol
        I only say this to clarify what I meant and not to justify the use of the word “but”. I’m far from mastering English.

      3. mutape Avatar

        dude you are right vamwe vanongopinda personal

  3. Mukudzei Mlambo Avatar
    Mukudzei Mlambo

    Whoooaaa!!!!!!!!! These are guys are local???? Im impressed, really impressed. and here I was thinking i was an anomaly!

  4. edwin Avatar

    Just create a comic school guys we want in ..the shud be an African comic brand

  5. tee Avatar

    Guys wen is Zim going to finish its zbc digitalisation program

  6. Mr.James Smith Avatar
    Mr.James Smith

    Nice Aricle.Thanks for Giving Information.

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