Podcast: #MWC15, Virtual Reality, MTN, 5G, EcoSure signups, DStv & Orange

Nigel Gambanga Avatar

In this week’s edition of the podcast, we discuss the highlights from the Mobile World Congress that took place in Spain in the past few days. This included a discussion on virtual reality, 5G and Orange’s low-cost smartphone for Africa.

We also touched on the MTN results, EcoSure and its strategy to involuntarily sign up EcoCash subscribers, the DStv tariffs, the new radio stations that were licensed and Safaricom’s foray into broadcasting.

Please feel free to share your own opinions on these topics in the comments section below. What are your thoughts on virtual reality? How big an impact do you think an MNO can make in broadcasting? Is MultiChoice justified in its annual increase of DStv prices? Should regulators take EcoSure to task for its move to get subscribers?

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