Zim entrepreneurship : How people are making money from WhatsApp calling

WhatsApp-CallHere’s something that was picked up on Facebook and shared with us on our Techzim WhatsApp Groups. Some people are cashing in on the WhatsApp calling feature that became active (well unofficially anyway)  about a fortnight ago.

No, it’s not the return of the phone shop (although I know some will now be tempted to set one of those things up). Some enterprising individuals are making people pay for the activation of WhatsApp calling. The service is set at a whopping US$10.

$10! Without looking at the moral threshold being crossed by making someone pay for something that should be free, that figure is steep. This is, after all, more than double what street vendors or “real life app store” owners who offer WhatsApp loading, digital bibles and pirated mp3s charge for the installation of the popular IM app.

Still, I have to hand it to these sort of opportunists and business people. They are really milking the internet, what with a Facebook page where their service is promoted. They have no marketing costs (except Facebook bundles) and the process itself just requires them to have the apk for the latest WhatsApp version.

Entrepreneurship is all about responding to a need, solving a problem and making something from that in the process.  That’s something that these people figured out the moment that a lot of people started going around asking for help accessing WhatsApp calling. Even with all its challenges a lot of people are still keen on having access to it.

If you still want to access WhatsApp calling, you can follow this link here to our story. Don’t worry, It won’t cost you a penny  bond coin


9 responses

  1. Keith Avatar

    Survival my friends, survival!

  2. Gedion Moyo Avatar

    @Nigel, kindly note that the techzim link you are directing people to get the whatsapp calling feature activated for free has since stopped taking any new requests 🙂 (refer to page update below)

    ***Update: we have disabled the form for now as we can’t satisfy all the request in queue right now. Please get someone to call you, or if you still can’t, come back here after some time to check if we have opened it.***

  3. Dee Avatar

    Entrepreneurs, opportunist or thieves? This is unethical business practice! It just like charging someone a fee for directions to Copacabana.! Wait till Whatsapp Inc hears about this and block these guys from their platform. These guys have got the audacity to broadcast their mobile number on Fb :p I can activate anyone interested, FREE!!

    1. francis Avatar

      please activate me my whatsapp no. 00277817877071

      1. francis Avatar

        sorry 0027817877071

  4. vusa Avatar

    zimbabwean startups!!!

  5. Thembinkosi Avatar

    If there is anyone who wants help with activatation please feel free to contact me and i will help you mahala.+263772959494

  6. Carl Avatar


    update –
    restart Phone
    ask someone to call you
    please note that registrations open, but are closed every now and then

  7. Entrepreneurs Avatar

    y not it good business u cant offer community service u will always find illiterate people

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