Weekly Podcast : Powertel & Africom promos, TelOne Fibre, The Source & Tidal

It’s been a while since we had the standard weekly podcast, something that was only remedied by a lot of other interviews and discussions that we shared over the past couple of weeks.

Nevertheless, you can check out our latest banter on the hottest trending topics in local technology. In this episode, we talked about the new TelOne Fibre service as well as the TelOne WiFi Hotspots and how they fit into the bigger scheme of broadband services locally.

There was also a discussion on Africom and Powertel promos that we saw in the past week, the Tidal music streaming service which is being championed by music mogul Jay Z, the raid on The Source conducted by Econet as well as the complications around infrastructure sharing that we have been following over the past fortnight.

As always, we look forward to your feedback on the podcast topics, and your own thoughts on the material we have covered in the past week. What are your thoughts on TelOne Fibre? Do you think the Africom and Powertel promos are worth the excitement? Should streaming services like Tidal take off or are they just meant to make celebrities richer?

Do share in the comments section below or on any of our social media platforms.

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