The secret is out folks. GTel is about to unveil a new device, The Gtel A755 SL5.1, But that wasn’t much of a secret to be honest. The local device assembler and distributor peaked a lot of interest with a media campaign that has managed to draw a lot of people’s attention to this new phone.
Luckily, we managed to get our hands on it earlier today, and have been taking it through it’s paces. The super slim device (the slimmest that Gtel has offered to date and wafer thin compared to a lot of high-end phones) is powered by Android KitKat and comes with everything you’d expect from the maturing Gtel brand. Info like the price is yet to be announced.
You can look out for our review that will be out soon, as well as the extensive coverage the phone will get from Gtel stand at ZITF in Bulawayo.
Besides the bend test and drop test, what other features and functions do you want us to try out on the device?
7 responses
Homest queation: when did they start assembling electronics?
Honest question: when did GTel start assembling phones?
Any particular reason they launched with KitKat over Lollipop? Will it get the upgrade?
Please do not do a drop test paphone nyowani! Ndipei hangu phone yacho, and I will come back to you one year later reporting on how it fares from all the drops, and bending in my pocket.
They all lie that they assemble phones, they should just tell consumers the truth that they get them branded in China.
Would love to see it smashed by a kombi… Thats a proper car test for me!