Drones in Zim, ZRP on Twitter, ZBC $3 subs, Windows 10, Facebook Lite – Podcast

Nigel Gambanga Avatar
Techzim Podcast Microphones

Is Zimbabwe ready to start drafting drone technology legislation or we are just getting ahead of ourselves? What are your impressions of the Windows 10 trial version? Is $3 a fair price for ZBC subscriptions, and why doesn’t the ZRP have a smarter handle of social media?

These are some of the topics discussed in this episode of the Techzim podcast. As usual we managed to comb through the week’s trending news, sharing opinions on everything from TelOne ADSL sign up requirements to the latest on Muzinda Hub and its digital skills service offer.

We’d love to get your own take on these issues as well. From Windows 10 to Facebook Lite, feel free to share in the comments below and on social media.

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  1. Meh

    In terms of drones, not sure one would have to be required to pay a license for say a filmmaking drone.

  2. Happison Phiri

    You techzin guys are fucked up and full of shit, resort to reporting and not making comments coz they all nothing but fucked up