Broadband Forum, Telecel, TelOne the MNO & startup competitions: Podcast

Nigel Gambanga Avatar
Techzim Podcast Microphones

The 2015 edition of the Broadband Forum that was held recently was an opportunity to share thoughts and perspective on Zimbabwean Broadband. In this podcast, we talk about some of the highlights of the Broadband Forum. We also discuss other topics that have been trending in Zimbabwean tech like the sale of Telecel, TelOne activating its mobile network operator licence, startup competitions like Muzinda Hub’s Startup Weekend and the latest on infrastructure sharing.

What are your own opinions on these topics? If you managed to attend the Broadband Forum what was the greatest takeaway for you?

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One response

  1. Anonymous 2

    Lol, ‘Some kinda Government Voltron’! Would love to see the episode where they fight the ‘Ecobeast’!