It’s only been around for a few days so by now most people should recognise the name It’s the new classifieds platform that was launched earlier this week, with offers for free listings and zero-rated access for Econet broadband subscribers thanks to an arrangement with the mobile operator.
Now, the website is down. People who’ve been trying to access it have been met with a banner that says it’s being updated. We spoke to the team at Tengai not too long ago, and they explained how this is part of a process they are taking the platform through to improve its existing features.
We haven’t been given any specifics on the sort of updates that will be made, or the amount of time it will take to update the Tengai platform and get back online.
30 responses
With all due respect, that statement from is a load of bull. You don’t update a website by taking it offline for a long period of time. Considering this website is less than a week old, and the noise that surrounded its launch there’s mroe to the story here than meets the eye.
But what do I know!!
Tengai was hacked yesterday by a group supporting net neutrality rights.
Try googling “ hacked” and you’ll find a google cached page.
Techzim stop trying to cover up !!!
You are right. Somehow I missed this now, it’s completely offline.
It is indeed actually hacked by Anonymous Zimbabwe.
What a lot of crap from Econet, just rushing to put a website without considering security ramfication of such action.
How do you then trust them to keep your details secure!
Once again, another good example that TechZim is a mouthpiece for anything related to Econet Zimbabwe.Honestly, any publication worth its salt should do through research, and on this story it simply shows no research was done.just a simple google search tells you what is going on.
lm with you here! That what separate real tech journalist from wannabe tech journo.
Some and picked up a phone at Techzim, called his her buddie at Econet and was fed with lies, then rush to publish that without even checking
Dude, seriously, your argument is lame. What lies are in this article? You always have something lame to say on every article. Yes, there wasn’t proper research on the part of techzim and you claiming to be enlightened should know this is a blog, not a news sight. I think you may want to comment less so you don’t expose your ignorance.
I think Techzim is too established to be playing the “we’re not a newspaper – we’re just a blog card” In Zimbabwe, TechZim is the tech newspaper/magazine.
A simple Google search produced the results, one Google search ! And the Tengai guys lied. What a way to enter the market.
lol, hacked after 5 days ! Too Soon. This is a targeted attack and I highly doubt competition was the motive. Weexpect a response from the Tengai team
l said Techzim was fed with lies and they wrote about them without checking what actually happened at the website
And I challenged you to state the lies. Did you even go past Grade 7?
Lies of saying they have taken it down for update.
Ooh! By the way, lm a grade 6 who knows you do not take a commercial website to update it.
Im a grade who knows Every second counts when running websites and reputation matters more.
Please continue tracking my response under different names, lm loving it
I knew you did not go past Grade 7. Grade 6, explains your grammar and IQ. Techzim simply stated what was on the site banner, they did not have to contact Econet to be told this.
Can you send me to school please, l want to have a Masters in English Literature like you!
Honestly, l do not give a monkey about my english grammar, writing etc.
lots of book educated people in Zim
Says the man who can’t tell the difference between “sight” and “site! Lol, stop criticising peeps when you are a typical example of someone not having passed Grade 5 schoooling! hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!
Usadaro ticha vangu akomana
Macdchip, now you commenting on yourself with a different name for attention. Yes, auto correct got the better of me. Check all comments on any site, not one single grammatical error. For a person your age, you are pretty lame just like your father before you.
Pfidza, l said l want you to be my teacher!
Actually, wakarasika shasha! What makes you think lm commenting under different name?
Ask the site admin anokupa IP logs dzinokuratidza where the comment came from.
If you have been here long enough ungadai wakutoziva zita rangu chairo and which part of Harare, which ISP l use etc etc and where l live.
Someone is obviously v afraid of tengai to resort to this. However, all the big guys get attacked – Even NASA, facebook and international banks. Lets hope Tengai is busy updating its security. From what i’ve seen they have a nice website.
whatever the motive was to hack tengai, l like the person who did it. At least security sloppiness on the part of Econet was exposed early before the tengai website was rolled as a national market place.
People attack when they fear competition. Imagine opening a new shop and then someone tries to smash your window. With Econet’s resources i’m sure they’ll toughen up the security on their site. Why doesn’t the person behind these malicious attacks divert their attention to creating something valuable for us Zimbabweans rather than resorting to childish cyber crime. All players in the e-commerce / tech ecosystem need to work together to promote the emerging e-commerce sector not conspire to destroy it. From telcos to startups, everyone must play their part.
I think the point of the hack is that econet is not working together to promote e-commerce they are violating net neutrality and hurting the rest of the ecommerce ecosystem in the process. How is any startup supposed to compete with free data and sms, no matter how good their product may be it simply isn’t a fair playing field. This hack is protesting exactly that from the looks of it.
Call me lunatic but l think there is value in attacking that tengai website. Next time econet will make sure that every website they create proper security audit is done before they rush to publish it.
Ouch, not a good sign if they where hacked already.
People attack when they fear competition. Imagine opening a new shop and then someone tries to smash your window. With Econet’s resources i’m sure they’ll toughen up the security on their site. Why doesn’t the person behind these malicious attacks divert their attention to creating something valuable for us Zimbabweans rather than resorting to childish cyber crime. All players in the e-commerce / tech ecosystem need to work together to promote the emerging e-commerce sector not conspire to destroy it. From telcos to startups, everyone must play their part.
I agree with Tafi. We should be working together to bring the benefits on ecommerce to zimbabwe. I’m all for tengai investing into the sector – I think they might be able to promote online retail far and wide across the country. Startups shouldn’t fear them as the market should grow faster with Tengai than without them. The more people online = the more customers for all ecommerce startups. Let econet do the hard work to open up the sector.
Iwe wanzwa butter, they tried to muscle their way into the industry with their sloppy security. Imagine they had people’s numbers on their stupid platform. This is not 1988 when pple trusted each other on the internet. Security should be at the top of every webmaster and developer.
Just ask the douches @ Hacking Team. Pr*cks.
There’s that “STAFF WRITER” again – ndiani iyeye? Why does he/she not want to put their name to this article like you do with all your other stories???
Probably some Econet goon using his backdoor to feed us this nonsense about updating the platform. Damage control. Techzim are a bunch of sellouts.
economic woes in this country manifesting itself through negative comments on this blog ………. pple are just negative about Anything in Country
I think it’s not right for people to blame TechZim or its staff for writing a story. If anything a great story is not just a once off thing, it must continue, over days preferably. I am personally glad when they write something albeit not complete because they are there to inform and bring out news and stories. In an ideal world (developed countries), a story would have different angles probably written by different writers. You can easily have a pro something stories on one hand and another against it in the same publication. But we are in Zim and resources are limited adding to a market (except tech fanatics) that really genuinely is not too worried about what it is dished. Take heed of the negative comments but at the moment you are exceeding the expectations of the majority.