Maxwell Chikumbutso explains some of his technologies

Victor Mukandatsama Avatar

We had another opportunity yesterday to ask Maxwell Chikumbutso of Saith Technologies questions about his work and help explain what sort of innovation he is really staking a claim to. In this podcast, he explains his Greener Generator and how it can be used to provide power as an off-grid solution.

He also explains what exactly he “invented” for the electric car and helicopter. His contribution has been the efficient engine that uses alternative energy. We also get an opportunity to see into the base stations’ technology that he made for Zach Wazara’s Brodacom as well as the backpack transmitters.



  1. guga

    Nonsense, Diesel from a rock, there are no miracles in science just formulas and hard work.

    1. G

      there is a video on cmedia that explains thatgives more context to the things that max invented, very enlightening

  2. guga

    nonsense , diesel from a rock

  3. justin

    The Nobel prize for Physics on the way to Zimbabwe!
    Second thoughts, NOBEL PRIZE FOR SCIENCE FICTION WRITING on the way.

  4. justin

    Victor might not be the smartest, but will give him an A for perseverance.

  5. Vikela

    Vikela ndi “chandagwinyira”
    Max imbavha

  6. kundai

    may Max please collect his thoughts and ideas.
    sit down and compile a detailed research article about his inventions.
    i am not a simple man i require numbers, deduction and quantifiable data.
    he still carries the burden of proof.

      1. kundai

        my fine sir your videos mean nothing to me. I said I require Empirical Evidence.please please. If this is too difficult may ZERA and other relevent bodies perform a peer review of this device.

  7. Tendai

    gore rino… Vikela I think you should stop now. Are you getting paid for every article you post about this guy.

  8. justin

    In the civilised world it illegal to name someone else’s car, helicopter etc as your own just because you claim to have modified the engine.
    Murume mukuru kuwanekwa uchikwatarura labels and putting yours!

  9. kundai

    so essentially the microsonic device is a microware oven?

  10. justin

    McLaren, AMG modify Benz vehicles but the vehicle remains a Benz. Anything else is thieft

  11. Tajutwa


  12. Chris Hanyane

    Get a bit more information before you dismiss scientific findings. Less creates more, the guy seems to have done a bit of research into his stuff. Not all scientists are articulate. Those who doubt should research. The guy has products ka bantu.

  13. Tinashe

    A video would have done justice to this one. Sounds interesting but sound only doesn’t make sense for this report.

  14. kilotango

    to be fair, unless someone has a PHD in electronics or physics, no one would understand this broadcast properly. its easy to say this or that, because no one understands what he is talking about. Because this is new tech, it should be peer reviewed, and a proper case study done which involves the likes of knowledgeable people on the topic. That prevents people from selling snake oil.

    Techzim, should actually engage a neutral person (from NUST for example) for opinions on this new tech..and do a followup article. It would provide better context, instead of listening to just one party who claims to have invented something that the general public have no understanding of.

    1. form2

      Izvi hazvidi PHD izvi. E=MC2. Energy in = energy out + energy lost in transmission. in basic terms.

      1. purple

        Energy is neither created or destroyed….as such you cant multiply it

  15. guga

    This debate has just brought to the fore why we need political change in this country. Zimbabweans are in a quagmire and are clutching at straws. Zimbabweans are desperate and have no hope. We now believe in energy multiplying machines???. Every facet of our society has been decimated such that we now see mediocrity as excellence. Mugabe and Zanu PF have destroyed the fabric of our society to a point where even educated people begin to believe such nonsense.If we want progress and a better Zimbabwe, lets have order, rule of law including laws of science!!!! Certainly these things are not possible with the current political dispensation.

  16. Emma

    i think we have to give him the benefit of the doubt. he is explaining his inventions as clearly as possible under the conditions. people are going to have egg on their face for rubbishing this guy off too quickly. time will only tell. lets bring experts on each technology to review. its high time techzim gets people at universities to be part of these reviews.

  17. Ndini Wenyu

    Do these things work?

    1. Mr Fedza

      @Ndini Wenyu, i have seen this thing with my naked eyes and i believe it. Everything mentioned is working

      1. macd chip

        How is it working, did the helicopter left the ground?

  18. mudiwa gombera

    Forward ever Cde awake the giant we are always on the map keep it up

  19. Ndini Wenyu

    People, Does this guy have advisers? I mean like proper ones?
    Helicopter, car, drone, radio, generator, power amplifier you name it… zvese.. none fully implemented??? Look at how others world-over have done it. Create one thing, complete it. demonstrate…

    1. Mr Fedza

      The best way to understand this guy is to go on the ground without using speculations. its opened any time during working days. Tesla will see a giant from Southern Africa specifically Zimbabwe.

  20. form2

    i have a money multiplying machine that i am selling. You put in $ 1 and get $20 on the otherside. It uses microcosmetological panadoparafinazol . I multiply starting from $1000.00 and you get $20 000 . here is my email

    1. Sagitarr

      This IS a classic!! We definitely are in need of multiplier machines.
      Every banana vendor sells 10 to 20 bananas for a $1. Why not sell them as individual fruits? You will get your dollars at the end of th day, I mean $1 = 100 cents under ALL conditions. Multiplier effect is killing us.

  21. panenyayaapa

    For sure an explanatory video would do justice to all of Max’s ramblings about radio frequency and laws of physics. What I did get though was that the power generator uses some kind of radio frequency transmission to generate power on a less-makes-more premise. Correct me if I’m wrong there was a claimed output of 500,000 watts (500 kilowatts) bring produced from a bank of magnets being rotated slowly to provide power for some radio frequency generating doo-dad ie 500 kilowatts is almost what you get from a Bugatti Veyron the fastest car in the world for most of the 21st century. My question is how different is this concept from the 1963 invention by Mr William C Brown (USA) of the helicopter that was powered by radio frequency i.e. a microwave-powered model helicopter that received all the power needed for flight from a microwave beam. Is Max’s contraption based on the same principle of harnessing radio frequency to provide power for flight?

    1. Ndini Wenyu

      Now.. this is how you showcase an invention. Let the public interrogate it etc. Dear Max should do the same.. not show us painted boxed made in China!

    2. Mr Fedza

      You can not understand it here no matter how hard we try to explain if you failed to understand it during daylight when you we present in person.

      1. macd chip

        How did you come to understand this, are you a church member?

  22. macd chip

    Did anyone witnessed that helicopter actually turning the blades and started flying?

    The fact that Broadacom is no more explains why this technology failed.

    If he is spiritual blaa blaa blaa, why didnt he have vision to guide Broadacom to prosper and prove.

    Also Broadacom towers and transimission units were sold to recover the money they owed banks.

    If Victor was actually seeking truth, he would have gone to any company which bought these units and verified that they actually work.

    But no, he is in the same hallucinationating group trying to justify lies through Techzim

    1. Mr Fedza


    2. fourwallsinaroom

      Broadacom base stations were bought in China, and i was at a customs auction this year where they auctioned some base stations that broadacom failed to clear. Check with ZIMRA. Why do we insist on lying? If he did anything for broadacom he copied what the chinese had done. Remember these were TD-SCDMA basestations. Now tell me this guy made base stations that were so good that nokia and huawei made some phones to support them? Why was China mobile using this guys base stations? Next econet subsidiary seldon will invent water, liquid will invent the laser and econet will invent lte while zol invents the personal computer and wifi. Broadacom failed due to lack of devices its as simple as that, also my own speculation is Wazara pissed Strive off when he walked out with Econet secrets. Anyway back to base stations See below

      China Mobile, the largest mobile carrier in the world, is reportedly cutting expansion of its TD-SCDMA 3G network and focusing on its TD-LTE network, which supports 4G connectivity.

      One telecom insider told RCR Wireless News that this announcement, which was first reported by Caixin Media Company, marks the end of the air interface: “TD-SCDMA is dead.”

      According to the carrier, TD-SCDMA comprises four core portions: base stations, radio network controllers, mobile switching centers and serving GPRS support nodes. The network operates with 15 megahertz of spectrum in the 2 GHz band and 40 megahertz of spectrum in the 1.9 GHz band.

      TD-SCDMA was developed by the Chinese and deployed for a limited trial in 2008. In 2009, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology gave China Mobile a license to operate the TD-SCDMA network.

      The term “TD-SCDMA” is misleading. While it suggests covering only a channel access method, it is actually the common name for the whole air interface specification.[2]

      Together with TD-CDMA, it is one of the two time-division duplex (TDD) UMTS air interfaces (UTRAs), known commonly as UMTS-TDD or more formally as IMT-2000 CDMA-TDD or IMT 2000 Time-Division (IMT-TD).[1][3] Both air interfaces use a combination of two channel access methods, code division multiple access (CDMA) and time division multiple access (TDMA): the frequency band is divided into time slots (TDMA), which are further divided into channels using CDMA spreading codes. These air interfaces are classified as TDD, because time slots can be allocated to either uplink or downlink traffic.

      1. macd chip

        So he bought cheap, a discontinued product because someone had promised him spiritual guidance.

        1. fourwallsinaroom

          Just to substantiate the facts here. Something Vikella should have done from day one before publishing
          wikipedia –

          our very own techzim –

          When Kingdom took the base stations in question –

          Now if Max had made these base stations, what did he do with the odd $30million, ok lets call it even $10million assume the other $20mill went to payroll, nice cars etc.

          “In July 2012 it was reported that Brodacom had secured USD30 million funding to help finance further network rollout plans”

          Back to the issue at hand
          Max would easily get a job with BMW in their i division think i3 and i8, mercedes AMG think SLS AMG electric drive or the B-Class ZEV(zero emissions vehicle)or Tesla. If he didnt want the job, he would definately be offered billions of dollars for the kind of tech he is touting. Google would even come to Zimbabwe with their private jets, just think all of Google’s server farms running on free power, no need to use wave power to generate electricity, no need for solar and definitely no need for the national grids they tap into. He said this is an off grid solution, so a server farm would work just fine.

          Through all of this, I am happy though, techzim has encouraged me to read up on things I had forgotten about like the Valley Technologies, Spiritage Broadacom life story… Kingdom and Chanakira and his rise and fall… It even reminded me of my Huawei Y511 that was 3G but could only get an edge signal because it was a TD SCDMA device. ahhh yes the joys of research and the good old internet

  23. Tapiwa✓

    “We violate physics, when we say we violate physic, we really mean it” …and I’m out – this is the last article on this guy I’m going to read. Part of me was hoping there was real technology buried somewhere in there.

    I really wish some local bookmaker would take bets on this: I’d stand to gain a lot of money from all those who do not take science seriously.

  24. RG

    Truth is I did not understand much from the podcast. Another truth is there are products at hand. It’s one thing to downplay them but there is opportunity for him in many of the products (except the drones, I think). My advice though is he needs to decide at which level of the chain he is i.e. end branded product, part supplier or just the patent holder. Each has benefits

  25. justin

    After rewriting laws of physics, and your inventions work, you publish your work in science journals and your work is peer reviewed.

    I you go straight to customers talking new laws and stuff, you will be taken as a snake oil salesman!

  26. GUEST

    Max should have focused on just the power generating device at his expo. By bringing in shells of an EV car, Helicopter and Drone then initially claiming they were his inventions and then later changing goalposts to say they were there to demonstrate his power generating device is typical of a desperado wanting to attract attention at any cost aka new age Zim pastors. All he needed to show was a live running model hooked up clearly generating power with another dummy cutaway type model explaining clearing the power input at 1 and the output at 20. Bringing in shells of left hand drive EV cars, recreational helicopters and drones was designed to give the impression of having invented or built these from scratch which is simply not true. The burden of proof is on Max to prove that his power generating device 1.actually works on a 1-becomes-20 energy basis and 2.can actually power the car, Helicopter and drones. What’s also weird besides the left hand drive EV car, helicopter and drone looking like exact clones of products available ex China from Alibaba, is that the helicopter has a Turbomeca exhaust pipe – Turbomeca are the default white label suppliers of turboshaft powertrains for 99% of choppers coming out of China including Euro designed Eurocopter/Airbus choppers made in China. Why have a turboshaft powered chopper and then claim it’s powered by your “invention” and that you have flown it already – that is just plain dishonest and disingenuous and your pastor friend need to revisit the 9th commandment though shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour (thus SAITH the Lord) we want to see how your device works and you need to prove the 1-becomes-20 energy chain, don’t just do an audio podcast with a bamboozled techzim reporter who doesn’t know any better with the sound of electric motors whirring around mysteriously!

  27. Lymurn

    Ha ha, its sad that some people actually believe this, even misusing the name of the Lord to glorify this conman, that’s called ignorance too, how can can someone invent all those things at the same time, even Einstein couldn’t, the father of the basis of of all the inventions that define modern technology, a drone, there is a lot of electronics involved there, a helicopter engine that takes 5 different fuels haha,, how did he make the parts of that unique engine, that’s infeasible mechanics esp in our poorly resourced environment and a machine that multiplies electrical power, lmao, kwanzi it defies laws of physics, which law does he know,, not even considering how he managed to get all of the inventions so polished up,,,you need to be critical people, he is taking Zimbabweans for granted, he thinks they are as illiterate as he is, vanhu havachafungi because of miracle belief, that thing of “don’t ask questions just take it as it appears in your eyes” doesn’t work

    1. Mr Fedza

      is it at the same time? i see where you are coming from …………….

  28. Chris Hanyane

    Max’s power generator is chicken fodder to Econet Wireless International. In one of his Facebook post, he branded himself as a fast-follower. He gave a detailed out line on how he set up econet to mimic M-pesa. He checks whether there is patent, if not there he just copies and replicates. Max has no patent and Hokoyo max, econet is on your case!

  29. Anonymous

    yaah azobatwa manje max uye..anonyepa achiti vanhu vakapusa

  30. Sergio paquio

    You are a principality Max, you are an Answer to the whole world .thank you Max keep it up

    1. macd chip

      He is a world to hallucinators who are always ready to be conned. The real world where real science follow laws rejected his twisted self destructive visionary nonsense.

      So there is really no world to talk about.

  31. Anonymous

    keep lying

  32. Anonymous

    Victor Mukandatsama is a bribed journalist

    1. macd chip

      Victor Mukandatsama is not a journalist!! Maybe in Zim he qualifies as one nekuti zvemuZimbahwe mazuva hazvichazikanwe.

      Vanhu vave kungomuka vave nemizvambarara yema.title

  33. Falifa

    Ini I used to read TechZim religiously until Soul Kabweza stopped writing and he hired pretenders like Victor Mukandatswamwa.

    I do not like being made to feel stupid. Articles like the series on that bogus inventor that this Victor guy has written make me feel patronised.

    Victor, surely you must read comments. There is a South African guy anonzi Elon Musk, he has lived in America for over 20 years now. He is an inventor, he created an EV company that makes a car inonzi Tesla. Would you compare what Max something does to what Elon Musk does.

    Please do your research before you publish hogwash like this.

  34. Hungwes

    To err is human but to con is not. The real question I should ask our INVENTOR is does he have the Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English? If he does have it, has he looked up the meaning of INVENT? if Prof Phineas Makhurane would agree, I would ask him to peer-review someone who tears the laws of physics! It would mean you can hand-throw a stone up and it does not come back to earth! Impressive!

  35. Anonymous
  36. macd chip

    I would like to challenge Techzim on their recruitining profiling or editing.

    Does Techzim have an editor?

    If yes, what criteria is used to authorise one’s writing?

    If no, does it mean people like Victor can just write and post without discussing anything internally?

  37. Anonymous

    You dont invent something that already exist, reminds me of diesel ku Chinhoyi
    Someone once claimed he invented smart home solution a sytem that is now light.Whats wrong with these youngsters is this the proper way to get support from the government.

    1. macd chip

      Its a proper way to recreate Diesel From Rock Part 2.

      By claiming to invent so many things at the same time, he is casting his net wider hoping to catch many ministers from different departments.

      Look how the bait is being layed.

      1. Microsonic device = Minister of Science and technology

      2. 5 different fuels = Minister of Energy

      3. Self multiplying power device = Same Minister again just incase he escape the fuel scam.

      4. Radio transimiters = Minister of ICT especially now he wants to amalgamate telcos, the self healing scam words will solve a lot of intergration problems.

      5. The drone = Any excited Minister, maybe State security.

      6. The helicopter = Ministry of Defence considering we are already buying from China our army equipment and tech.

  38. Concerned reader

    For me the biggest let down about these articles is the serious lack of research. I would have thought the reporter would clear all this confusion by checking the credibility of this guy. What happened to his failed projects don’t just take his word for it. Some opinions from fellow academics in this field would have helped..this is not rocket science my 12 year old child could have done a better job!
    This was a perfect opportunity for some intuitive investigative journalism, it’s unfortunate you guys are focussed on getting half baked articles published.
    If anything it’s techzim n their overzealous if not mischievous reporter who are taking us for granted.

  39. fourwallsinaroom

    below is while i rest my case about these 500kw stories
    Ohm’s law equation (formula): V = I × R and the power law equation (formula): P = I × V. P = power, I or J = Latin: influare, international ampere, or intensity and R = resistance. V = voltage, electric potential difference Δ V or E = electromotive force (emf = voltage).

  40. Lymurn

    I have been a huge skeptic of this guy but after watching Wizkid’s video, Im a bit shaken up, this guy is very convincing and overconfident, he is even claiming to have sold some many other designs of his, and he further explained that he didn’t manufacture the body of the car but rather bought it from China and built his own engine which is the “supersonic device” that charges the electric car batteries to make the car run without zesa recharging, so from what i found on my own reseach on this car its alredy sold in china as an electric car so i guess wat he did and he still needs to clarify to people further is that he provided an alternative supply of electrical charge to the batteries making there to be no need for ZESA electricity recharging,,,not what he is saying that he built the chassis and everything, that’s exaggerating, he just assembled the whole car and put in his still mysterious device to charge the car,,,BUT WELL, that will be a world class invention too if it turns out to be really working and if he actually designed it himself but he still needs to explain a lot on how exactly his machine work and where does it get the supersonic energy that runs it not the electricity multiplication theory, thats impossible, SO I SAY, LETS WAIT AND SEE SO MUCH EXPLAINING STILL TO BE DONE,

  41. mimi


  42. Lymurn

    This is Wizkid’s video, y’all need to watch it

    The problem now is that he has confused many people or misquoted as he claims and its hard now to believe about his mystery device and obviously this mystery device is getting “fuel” from somewhere else, he still needs to explain that and i would say he doesnt even understands how his device works if it turns out to powered by something else which he doesn’t seem to understand, raising many questions and on the video he explains about bringing together the car body not the designing and manufacturing of his supersonic power source, Overally i still think lets give this guy a chance, maybe he is going to explain better, He said he is already developing an industrial area an he is going to ship the car and helicopter bodies from some three car manufacturers while he only does the part of installing the powersonic devices, they might be an element of truth here, LETS GIVE HIM THE CHANCE

  43. macd chip

    Give him another chance to try Diesel from Rocks on gvt again…

  44. Brian

    Acts 5:34-39
    Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space;

    35 And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men.

    36 For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and brought to nought.

    37 After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.

    38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:

    39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.

  45. Sagitarr

    TechZim boasts “We help both novices and experts convert chaos into clarity….”

    Well, it looks like you’re doing the opposite guys. You don’t seem half capable of investigative questioning which makes some of us even more skeptical of your blog. Again you give no physical address…..chances of vapourware are high. The same questions and suspicions I have with Max “Form2” Chikumbutso, and his “inventions” can also be applied to yourselves. Your credibility is at stake guys. It’s up to you to categorically prove the skeptics wrong.

  46. Op

    if we look at this at a biblical point of view we can save ourselves a lot of grief, this has come at a time when a certain Man of God called Apostle Freshman has been talking bout this, in fact he has been preaching about this since 2014, “The Spirit of Invention”, I just extracted some writings from the facebook page of the church “””Throughout the Scripture, we see paradigm shifts occurring in the lives of the Bible greats after God revealed to them precisely how to go about an invention. For example Noah had a visitation from God, and was vividly shown how to go about constructing the ark in its entirety: “And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of :…”( Genesis 6:15 KJV) The Ark was a masterpiece, and it all culminated from an idea that God released to Noah. Moses too, built the tabernacle using a design he received directly from God, and what a truly heavenly design it was; “According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.”(Exodus 25:9 KJV) “And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount.” (Exodus 25:40 KJV)
    That is the mind of God to fill his children with His wisdom that is spoken of in the Scripture:
    “I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.” (Proverbs 8:12
    Every new concept emanates from the spirit realm, in other words, it is a product of the spirit. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (James 1:17 KJV) Your purpose will enable you to see beyond the boundaries of society and ensure you are a producer of a new product. In other words, it will be: A SPIRITUALLY INSPIRED ANSWER TO PHYSICAL NEEDS!””” You can read more for yourself my eyes have been opened by what this Ministry is talking about. I think it could help us all in evaluating this matter from a religious point of view…

  47. Op

    A certain Man of God has been talking bout this, in fact he has been preaching about this since 2014, “The Spirit of Invention”, I just extracted some writings from the facebook page of the church “””Throughout the Scripture, we see paradigm shifts occurring in the lives of the Bible greats after God revealed to them precisely how to go about an invention. For example Noah had a visitation from God, and was vividly shown how to go about constructing the ark in its entirety: “And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of :…”( Genesis 6:15 KJV) The Ark was a masterpiece, and it all culminated from an idea that God released to Noah. Moses too, built the tabernacle using a design he received directly from God, and what a truly heavenly design it was; “According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.”(Exodus 25:9 KJV) “And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount.” (Exodus 25:40 KJV)
    That is the mind of God to fill his children with His wisdom that is spoken of in the Scripture:
    “I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.” (Proverbs 8:12
    Every new concept emanates from the spirit realm, in other words, it is a product of the spirit. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (James 1:17 KJV) Your purpose will enable you to see beyond the boundaries of society and ensure you are a producer of a new product. In other words, it will be: A SPIRITUALLY INSPIRED ANSWER TO PHYSICAL NEEDS!””” You can read more for yourself my eyes have been opened by what this Ministry is talking about. I think it could help us all in evaluating this matter from a religious point of view…

  48. Anonymous

    I honestly want to encourage us to be supportive and to encourage brother Max. We have known Max for years. Why dont some of you go to ZBC and find out about him in the achieves? If you have been around enough, why do you choose to ignore that he appeared on ZTV on sone these works. Surely critiscism should be constructive. This is why we dont make progress as a people.

    I am beginibg to sense this my fellow Zimbabweans, as you know the work Max have been mandated by the Lord is revolutionary, there could be some agency commenting who have been sent by people who may be shaking about these innovations. I am asking you kana makabva kuvanhu to follow your conscience. Instead of tearing the brother, why not wait and see what happenes next. If these things are fake time will tell. Please, Godo harishande. Some of you sound so knowledgeable but displayibg lack of wisdom.

    This is my humble submission give Max time and see whether no power station will be built. Max never said that he build the body of the Car. On my enquiry i was told there is actually documentation when the body shell came into the country and was cleared with ZIMRA. I would retract from commenting if you tell me that the engine he has in that car exist somewhere. Even car munufacturing plants outsource certain components. Chearing our brother would actually make a difference. The question is why are you asking and not come to see yourself

  49. Anonymous

    Those who dout about the hand of God read Exodus 31;2-5
    “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God in skill, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship, to make artistic designs for work with gold, with silver, and with bronze, and with cutting and setting stone, and with cutting wood, to work in all kinds of craftsmanship.
    God is the same yesterday today and forever. He can give the same Spirit to whoever he chooses.
    Max hears from the Lord.

  50. Anonymous

    Can i ask a question? Who tought the first PhD?

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