Video: Gtel shares its ambitious plans for Africa

Video: Gtel shares its ambitious plans for Africa

Local device company, Gtel has been scoring big lately. The efforts that have been made to transform the Gtel brand into a viable competitor for other household names now seem to be paying off. This positive drive has been extended to a continent-wide run that has just been solidified with a deal with Airtel.

So what else is Gtel setting its sights on? In an interview on Ebru Africa TV’s  Table Talk, Gtel Kenya’s CEO, Virgil Musvosvi, shared some insights on what the mobile devices brand is focusing on, not just for Kenya, but for the rest of Africa.

Part of these plans include a focus on financing options for devices, the creation of a Gtel Design Centre, a plan for environmental awareness, partnerships with other telecoms operators and working with learning institutions. You can watch the video below.