Rural Electrification Agency offering free solar and biogas quotations

I applaud the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) for dealing with the reality that we have a noble cause to electrify the rural areas. The truth however, is that it simply adds more load to the already struggling grid.

To that end, REA is also promoting alternative energy sources including solar power and biogas. (Makes you wonder; If ZESA is recommending that electricity be used conservatively, why doesn’t it also set up an LP distribution arm?)

REA has developed a program where it assists in the education process for aspiring biogas and solar users by offering free quotations, directions and instructions for setting up a home or community solar or biogas station. This, according to the particular power consumption needs of the community that has been identified. This is not reserved for rural communities only, even the urban dwellers can take advantage of this offer.

This is according to the particular power consumption needs of the community that have been identified. This is not reserved for rural communities only, even the urban dwellers can take advantage of this offer.

Afterward, mainly because REA does not have the capacity to supply the necessary equipment such as gas pipes, solar panels and so forth, it will point you to the suppliers that adhere to recommended standards. Of course, one can substitute the expensive components with “Chinese” options.

All this is becoming relevant because options like the Econet Home Power Station are designed on a one size fits all basis, while the other suppliers that have mushroomed to capitalize on power shortage, usually offer expensive alternatives. Hopefully, the Rural Electrification Agency Program will assist in coming up with a solution that fits your consumption and is also affordable.


  1. Innocent Waison

    i want biogas so can you help me with diagrams and note and anything needed there,help me again to buy material to be used upon,the price list if ok
    thank you.

  2. ishmael taruvinga

    i would like to build a biogas digester for home use, can you please help with the equipment required and notes on how to go about it, also the prices and stores where we can buy buy these equipments

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