Threats to State security, Anonymous threats to Tengai & Econet and MTN Results – Podcast

Nigel Gambanga Avatar
Techzim Podcast Microphones

Here’s the midweek edition of the Techzim podcast which touches briefly on some of the trending topics on local and regional technology. In this episode, we discuss the MTN Results and their reflection of African telecoms, the concerns on national security and privacy raised by the Ministry of ICT and the latest on the Tengai website and what the team behind the platform’s security breach had to say.

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  1. macd chip

    Nigel, what do mean you are with the minister? Where exactly? Is it the understanding of state security threat?

    I do not understand, enlight me! When a country in hungry of everything foreign, why do you then feel threatened by foreign software?

    Is our minister driving a car made from Willowvale motor industry? He used to own radio station, where did he got the radio equipment, what about the software?

    1. Nigel Gambanga

      I was referring to the concerns raised around an e-governance policy that awards all the work to a single provider. A single vendor strategy never works in both public and private sector instances.
      I don’t agree with argument on security though. It sounds like a smokescreen for some other play altogether. Like every other top tier enterprise solution, SAP solutions have a solid reputation and the risk exposure, as well as concerns on data privacy are ordinarily factored in before the deployment of a system. This was figured out way before TTCS got the green light to deploy solutions in gov departments like ZIMRA.

      1. macd chip

        Ok got ya!

        Sorry for a little bit of rumbling. I agree that our gvt doesnt need to be vendor locked in any business they do.

        But l do not think our ministers gets even the basic concerpts of it.

  2. mwanamwana

    the picture you send is so bleak that one would think MTN is on the downward trend but they just made 69 billion Rand well maybe +/- 6.9 billion US dollars. hitting the hard rocks all the way to the bank, well MNOs have to will in dealing with OTT services or even create some of their own (dreaming here) services for customers to use.
    And the issue with SAP is about control of information, we still live in a paranoid Zimbabwe where we trust no one but engage many players. Dont trust outsiders, who knows what they will find when they interpret data.