Zimbabwean hackers & Net Neutrality, cost of internet, the Astro factory and mobile money: Podcast

Techzim Podcast Microphones

Net neutrality in Zimbabwe seems more hotly debated than usual lately because of the noise around a new startup called Tengai and its relationship with Econet. Who’s to blame really? The violators or the regulator? This is one issue discussed in this podcast. Other topics included the cost of internet in Zimbabwe, mobile money’s growth and how it has been reflected in the latest Central Bank Monetary Policy, and the new TV and hardware factory from local devices company, Astro.

What are your own thoughts on these topics? If you have anything to share on anything discussed here, from net neutrality to the cost of internet, please feel free to share here or on social media. 

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One response

  1. macd chip

    My Zol is responding to the markets, l have $99 package which works so well towards monthend. After l pay my subscription, it goes back to its speed up and down.

    Whats with the whatsapp group? Does one needs to be secretly initiated to join it? I have seen a lot of people requesting to join and ask about it in the Q&A section.

    With this tengai.cozw issue net neutrality still going on…

    What if all websites are zero rated in Zim, are you goin to complain?

    Net neutrality have no boundaries, what if other countries in sadc especially SA starts to complain that Zim is giving itself an unfair advantages to its local market?

    Considering we are landlocked, what if they start to chop off our sea connections in protest

    Whats wrong with us? We are crying for direct foreign investment from Europe, US, China to come and takeover whatever they can.

    But we are not happy with Masiwa to invest back into his motherland?? Chinese and British come here and invest little then take all the rewards back to their native countries, we are happy by that!

    Tell me one country which is reaping more investment from Econet group of companies than Zimbabwe. Masiwa is doing to other countries what the Chinese are doing to us and we want him stopped??

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