Local bird identification app, Twigle, introduces image recognition feature

Twigle iOS ScreenShots

Whenever image recognition software is mentioned, most people are quick to think of how the technology has been harnessed by Google to refine some its apps and turn itself into a creepy company.

However, there are other ways that simpler examples of image recognition software have been used in other fields. Take bird watching, for example. Twigle, a Zimbabwean bird watching app which we have featured before, now has image recognition for birds.

Previously, Twigle only used sound recognition, much like Shazam, to identify birds. This new feature now lets users identify up to 1,200 species of birds from North America, UK, Ireland and Southern Africa.

The app was initially designed for Windows Phone, with an iOS version released later. Now, the app has been enabled for Windows desktop (for versions 8 and 10 only).

The image recognition app works in pretty much the same way other IR platforms work. To access the image recognition feature, you select an image of a bird and run it against the Twigle database. When it identifies the species, it will display the name and specific information on the bird.

According to Gift Gana, the developer of Twigle, and founder of software and App development house Avelgood, the image recognition software was developed with existing data gathered by Twigle. The app has a 60% accuracy. Speaking on how the feature was developed, he said,

I used my own datasets of images to train my bird image classifiers on top of an image recognition platform whose provider I cannot disclose.

The app, with the IR feature, is available for purchase from Windows .


7 responses

  1. Arctic Tern Avatar
    Arctic Tern

    obviously bird watchers will drool and love this new feature, but (hey, there is always a but), for an average joe like me, meh.

    >> see what i did with my name?

  2. iTariro Avatar

    “The app was initially designed for Windows Mobile, with an iOS version released later. Now, the app has been enabled for Windows desktop (for versions 8 and 10 only).”

    Windows Mobile??? Windows desktop (for versions 8 and 10 only)??? Come on guys you’re a tech news site…such a huge level of ignorance…

    1. tinm@n Avatar

      You’re easily the one who’s ignorant.

    2. iTariro Avatar

      You’re totally missing the point, its Windows Phone not Windows Mobile, Windows 8 and Windows 10, what is “Windows desktop (for versions 8 and 10 only)”?

      tinm@n how am I the one who is ignorant here???

      1. Nigel Gambanga Avatar
        Nigel Gambanga

        @Tariro, you’re right, that should have read Windows Phone there. Thanks for that heads up. I made that adjustment. It was more of a typo than ignorance really. As for Windows versions, dude, seriously?

      2. tinm@n Avatar

        I misread. Get it now. Take it back

  3. proudly zii Avatar
    proudly zii

    It may sound like am against ur view but am just complimanting
    As 4 mi i dont c any ignorance..lyk it z said “initially” designed 4 Win8 n 10 ,(later) iOS and in the near future probability z high that they will make a version 4 Android,FireFox even BBOS….only time will tell 4 other OS designes

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