The recent 2015 half year results published by Econet Wireless gave a peek into the sort of state the company is in right now.
The fact that Econet happens to control a huge part of the market in terms of subscriber numbers (it has 9,2 million subscribers) and product placement for both telecoms and financial services (thanks to the mobile money service EcoCash) also gave an indication of how those two clusters are performing in the economy.
However, one other number that stood out for us related to Econet’s broadband services. According to to the analysts’ presentation which accompanied the results, Econet has 7 million broadband subscribers. Econet says this number is an improvement from the 4,7 million broadband subscribers that the operator had in the same period last year.
Fact or fiction?
Most people who’ve been following local telecoms will be quick to dismiss this number as probably a case of gross exaggeration. We wouldn’t blame them either. That number represents 76% of Econet’s subscriber totals. Besides, in its previous annual financial report some months ago, Econet referenced a smartphone penetration of 20% on its network.
If, however, you consider other Econet broadband subscribers that are not necessarily tapped into mobile broadband, there could be some logic to it all. Sure, the mental arithmetic doesn’t necessarily add up, but there are strong numbers that can be included in that total.
Based on that logic, this 7 million could be a representation of all the broadband subscribers that Econet has under its name through services like Connected Car and Connected Home as well as every SIM card that has been used for broadband use before, which might not be active right now. It could also include all subsidiaries like Liquid Telecom and ZOL which also offer broadband and have their own user totals.
Sadly the information provided by Econet Wireless when we sought clarification didn’t fully highlight where this total came from. The operator responded by saying,
This we can’t discuss due to competitive reasons, suffice to say we are happy with the growth of our broadband business which is now the largest in the country.
The bigger implications of these numbers is with the change in the rate of internet use in Zimbabwe as well as the hard-to-verify figure for national smartphone penetration. The industry regulator, POTRAZ, hasn’t released figures on smartphone penetration, but it does release quarterly figures on internet connections.
According to its last count, the figures for the first quarter of 2015 on Zimbabwean internet use showed a 44.3% internet penetration and 5,8 million internet subscribers. With these latest figures presented by Econet on its own broadband use showing a more significant use of internet services, POTRAZ’s next numbers should therefore reflect this increase.
3 responses
In my understanding broadband refers to wired internet access like adsl modem access, it can also be stretched to include wifi.
Claiming Econet has 7 million broadband users is totally wrong especially from a techzim technical writer, this is not H-Metro.
Those figures are way exaggerated. How do we account for the rural elderly subscribers who just need a basic fone for voice and sms. Considering Hre has less than 3 million people and the other towns have equally less people how does it justify that 70% of their total subscribers are on broadband. I also dont believe in 9 million subscribers i think that figure is for the total in the home location register. Active subscribers stand at slightly above 6.5 million subscribers. Will have to verify the numbers to come with correct figures.
they will not break it down for us, but i think that figure includes every line registered to the broadband network not necessarily the lines currently using the data services. And yes macd broadband does include radio, the figure might just be everyone using wifi and wimax from Zol, mobile phone and usb modem users from Econet then satellite and fiber users from Liquid but hey i could be shooting in the dark here.