Telecel under the government, Propertybook, Steward Bank agents, Startup competitions – Podcast

Nigel Gambanga Avatar
Techzim Podcast Microphones

The sale of a majority stake in Telecel Zimbabwe to the government was officially confirmed early this week, ending speculation around that deal. This means that Telecel will be under the control of the government, but how will it fare as a state-controlled entity in the same stable as NetOne and TelOne. We discuss that in this podcast, along with talks on a real estate listings startup called Propertybook, the Steward bank agent banking partnership with Zimpost and the startup competitions happening locally as Global Entrepreneurship Week comes to a close. One other issue touched on is the Startup Challenge and its absence from the calendar this year.

What are your thoughts on these topics and any other highlights in technology from this past week? Please share in the comments below or on social media.

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