Telecel sold, Zimpost mobile money, digital content theft, Xiaomi in Africa – Podcast

Nigel Gambanga Avatar
Techzim Podcast Microphones

Telecel has been bought by the government, Zimpost wants to have a go at mobile money, digital content is continually under the threat of theft and while Xiaomi is entering Africa, the continent’s devices landscape is changing.
These are the topics that we discuss in this episode of the Techzim podcast. We took an unusual approach with this recording, opting to do it “on the go“, something that shows how much of a conversation each episode is always delivered as.

Do share your thoughts on these topics, from Telecel to Xiaomi and everything else in between.

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One response

  1. macd chip

    Its not done until its signed and money changes hands. Knowing how Zimbos love flying, maybe the ceo took the first opportunity of flying bizness class to go and ask if telecel is really on sell