uMAX launches skyMAX, a $150/150GB internet package

Dandemutande, Internet in Zimbabwe, WiFi zones

uMAX, the local internet service provider with a specific focus on WiMAX internet recently launched a new WiMAX internet package called skyMAX.

This is the first major product launch from uMAX this year, in a market where internet providers have been tweaking product suites in response to competitive forces and the general economic environment.

skyMAX comes with 150 GB of data for $150 with maximum speeds of 5 Mbps. There is also an option to recharge an exhausted skyMAX subscription with top ups of 1 GB priced at $1 each. skyMAX also comes with uMAX’s unlimited free night browsing offer which was introduced over a year ago.

Utande, dandemutande, umax, Internet in Zimbabwe

In a lot of ways, this new package is a step up from the $75/40GB monthlyMAX package which has been uMAX’s primary offering since 2013.

The price, which doesn’t look like it’s targetted at subscribers with a limited spending power, also goes on to offer a per GB pricing that makes it the cheapest on the market. $1 for 1 GB is hard to beat, especially with a free off-peak browsing alternative tucked in there.

It’s also faster, with speeds of up to 5Mbps, eclipsing the monthlyMAX package’s speed. This is the first time that the up to tag has been used by uMAX, so it will be worth noting how consistent the ISP’s speeds will be for this new package.

Then there’s the generous 150 GB data allowance, which seems to suggest that uMAX is adjusting to the growing needs of data that have clearly changed since April 2013.

Internet use is increasingly reliant on a greater consumption of data partly because of the rise of content distribution through online video and streaming.

At the same time, information and content is increasingly cloud-centric, which means that you need to burn through a lot more data just to enjoy the convenience of 2015 technology. One could say that’s part of the reference uMAX made with the Sky Package meant to “soar above the clouds”.

Understandably uMAX, like every other internet provider, is making decisions on product pricing and data caps based on data(no pun) and analytics from subscribers. But it still looks like skyMAX is uMAX’s way of avoiding an unlimited internet package.

It’s something that would likely serve users of huge chunks of data that need that 150 GB allowance. uMAX already has off-peak free browsing, so surely an unlimited package somewhere north of the $100 price mark can’t be that much of strain.


20 responses

  1. Thabo Tswana Avatar
    Thabo Tswana

    Smart move by uMax! WiMAX is a dying breed which is best marketed to users in remote areas. It can’t compete with the reliability of ADSL or fibre. (Like satellite TV, when it rains, the service is down!) So, in an attempt to survive, offering more data for less makes good business sense.

  2. Techie Avatar

    It would be good to know what medium the service will be delivered on. Is it WiMax, fibre, VSAT anyone……

    1. Nigel Gambanga Avatar
      Nigel Gambanga

      @techie, it’s a WiMAX service.

  3. Sinclair Avatar

    Also note that the monthlyMAX for USD75 now is at 40 Gb daytime and 40 Gb “nighttime” on 3 Mbit/s – I think that makes an excellent package in Zimbabwe. And my experience with uMax is that they deliver and just don’t “talk the talk”

    1. Tawanda Avatar

      When was the upgrade on the monthly max communicated or advertised Sinclair? Share the info please.

      1. Nigel Gambanga Avatar
        Nigel Gambanga

        @Tawanda the new uMAX packages info has also been highlighted in this article

    2. Nigel Gambanga Avatar
      Nigel Gambanga

      @Sinclair Thanks for pointing that out. We’ve made the necessary changes to reflect that.

    3. Also Avatar

      True sinclair at least umac is honest that unlimited unless you are payung for a dedicated link is not possible i wouldnt be surprised if this 150gb s the fair usage level for ZOL ‘unlimited fibroniks package’

  4. macd chip Avatar
    macd chip

    Way too expensive for my liking and l can say its very overpriced.

    Im using YoAfrica! unlimited WiMax internet for $80 and its upto 2Mbps. This is the first home package l ever use which deliver beyond what they say so far. I do not understand why they are not marketing this. I only found out about it when l was looking for something to replace my Zol WiMax(which was becoming worse than PowerTel).

    The guys at YoAfrica set me up for Chilli Package which was extremely slow. I went back within hours to ask them to remove it and thats when one of the guys suggested that l do a WiMax trial, l tried it and instanstly it was what l was looking for in Zim for years.

    I have used Zol WiMax, TelOne ADSL, PowerTel but YoAfrica as it stands it is being matched by none.

    1. Gg Avatar

      Wait til you use umax ive been streaming in hd when all other thinfs are idle with some buffering since 2012.
      Plus imax delivers none of this zol powertel or telone nonsense of giving dialup and selling as next gen.

      1. macd chip Avatar
        macd chip

        l have no dought that uMax offer the best speeds, l wants did a test with them and it was great, the down side is the amount of data they give. With high speed access, it finishes quickly

  5. Tibvirei Apa Avatar
    Tibvirei Apa

    Tibvirei Apa.
    ZOL, $150 @20mbps Unlimited.

    1. macd chip Avatar
      macd chip

      It looks good on paper until you tried it!

      1.  Avatar

        Even Telone gives you the Infinity Supreme package (Up to 4Mbps Unlimited) for $150. But I, myself, have been using Telone’s Home Premier package since last year and I’m very satisfied. No service disruption, rain or shine.

    2. Also Avatar

      Mdara if you destroyed 100gb expect a fair usage warning from zol. Isps lie at least umax is truthfuk

  6. Missed that bus Avatar
    Missed that bus

    It’s good to see umax finally come up with an answer to the other players, we need them to survive and keep the other guys honest! In my experience they were always on-point with delivering promised speeds, uptime and customer service. Its a shame this wasn’t available when our data requirements outgrew the $75 package at work, we ended up getting zoled!

    1. macd chip Avatar
      macd chip

      Zol is no contract right? Just moved out of zol garden full limitations(shapping) and start to enjoy real internet.
      Zol is a pain, it complicated support by introducing those shapping fair usage policy nonsense.

  7. mistakes_in_action Avatar

    where is powertel i all this war. wait on second thought powertel cant compete with these people because if you look at it they shape their non dedicated links to the point where it beomes useless for anything other thn opening a web page.

  8. zvachose Avatar

    we have a vsat at our school but recently telone reduced data cap from 60 gig to 30 gig for $136. is there a vsat provider out there who can offer a better deal?

  9. Lennon Avatar

    Why not just sell internet $1/gig?

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